Live or Die: Risk it All to Win it All!

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I was practicing my summoning, which I don't understand. Jiraiya was busy looking through the bushes to see women playing in the water as Naruto was paying close attention to the ground as he does his summoning.

"Summoning Jutsu! That just had to work." Naruto lifted his hand under the cloud of smoke to find a toad at its third stage of full maturity.

"I still don't believe what you said about the differences between a tadpole and toads," Naruto said turning towards me

"You'll see, you get a bit close. The toad is at its third stage and the tail is smaller." I answered

Jiraiya drooled at the sight of feminine girls. I angrily picked up a stone and smacked it hard against his head, Pervy Sage staggered to stand up.

"Look, Pervy Sage, can't you at least act as you believe in me?" Naruto said before he fainted again.

"Pervy Sage. He fainted again." I said bending down and hug him

"Again? Why am I not surprised? For three weeks, he's been getting through his training on guts and determination alone. Nariko, how's your training?" Pervy Sage said

"I'm getting there," I said standing up, I practice the eight trigrams rotation, it was nearly complete except flying me around, it forces me to the ground or in the water.

"Keep working on it!" Jiraiya said

"Yessir" I pouted

I walk down the hall feeling guilty that I survive being in front of Orochimaru. I opened the door to see The Third staring at the past Hokage's.

"Lord Hokage," I said quietly

"What is it, Anko?" The Third look back on his couch, we stared at each other for a while.

"I'm sorry, but I'm--" I said guiltily

"You're what? Are you feeling guilty that you returned alive from the Forest of Death?" The Third mentioned I can only sigh and look away.

"There's no need for that. After all, you no longer have a connection to Orochimaru, right?" The Third said

I can say nothing.

"There's no ninja alive today in the Village Hidden in the Leaves who could ever even hope to defeat him." The Third said

"I probably would not be his equal." The Third finished

"I wish... the Fourth Hokage were still alive," I said

"You shouldn't say such things. It's only because he sacrificed himself and died that our land was saved. Besides, that's all in the past. It's a story from 12 years ago. He's gone. And we can't change that. We must do what we can with what we have." The Third finished and stand up

"Yes, sir."

"Very well. I'm going out to get some fresh air. And Anko, don't blame yourself." The Third finish opened the door and walked out.

I bowed down for his wisdom.

"Come on, open your eyes already." Pervy Sage splashes water on Naruto's face.

Naruto sat up, shaking his head to get the water off.

"Hey! What was that for?" Naruto questioned

"Oh, that. To knock sense into you since you have none." Pervy Sage said

"Really have you look in the mirror recently," I said, looking at the Pervy Sage.

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