The Summoning Jutsu: Wisdom of the Toad Sage!

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This chapter is kinda long... I warned you.

I was standing under a full moon as Ebisu walks away.

"Master Jiraiya, I believe in you. I'm putting all my trust in you." Ebisu said lastly before walking away, I turned to the twins sleeping soundly.

I was quiet on the roof and look down at the scenery of the peaceful leaf village. As the mummified man from the Chunin exams walked up to me.

"Well, well look at this, Don't you ever sleep at all?" Dosu said walking up to me I glare down at his one eye which the other one was closed with his sound village headband.

"Why are you here? What do you want?" I asked coldly

"I was planning on attacking you while you slept. If I fight and defeat you now, then in the next round I can make Nariko the one who matches up to face, Sasuke. I already know all about your sand attack. I wonder which is faster, your sand, or my sound." Dosu ready for an attack, I focus my glare at the full moon.

"When the moon is full... When the moon is full its blood boils." I said and start transforming into the monster, everyone hates.

"Wha--- what in the world are you?!" Dosu yelled before he could get away, my monster's tail slashes, killing him instantly. I transformed back to normal breathing heavily as the monster inside grows stronger for blood.

"Amazing. So that's Gaara's true form then, is it?" I asked

"Listen. Is this okay? He was a sound ninja" Baki said

"Yes, it's fine. He's long since served his purpose." I said

"But I thought he was a guinea pig, intended to test the power of that kid, Sasuke."

I sense someone's presence lurking in the shadows but I ignore it.

"That's true, or it was. It isn't necessary anymore. See the thing is, I was ordered to seize Sasuke when he was in the hospital, but I, well, I failed in that mission." I said

"Wait, what?"

"That's right. They discovered that I'm an agent of the sound village." I smirk, fixating my glasses

"Wait a minute. If they know who you are and if people find out that you're having a secret meeting here with me, then the plan to destroy the leaf village will be completely ruined." Baki mentioned

"I thought you were Orochimaru's, right-hand man. But after being revealed to them, you just nonchalantly come here and meet with me? You're a fool." Baki words make me laugh.

"Well to be exact, they didn't really discover what my true identity was on their own. I let them find out. Yes. I wanted to see just how far the hidden leaf village would go when they discovered the truth. And even after they did, I knew it wouldn't be too late to seize Sasuke." I explained

"It's a plan that was originally posted by the sound village so... If you guys are gonna fail then we'll have to back off immediately. The sand won't make a move until the last moment. This is the will of the Kazekage." Baki said

"Very well. This is the plan that you are to carry out." I handed over a scroll to Baki he non-hesitantly accepts it.

"And remember, make sure you tell them about this plan as soon as possible." I reminded him

"Yes, I know," Baki said

"Alright, then I'll be going," I said about to walk off when I sensed our spy was about to leave.

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