Ebisu Returns: Twin's Toughest Training Yet

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You look over and see Konoharmau's teacher, Ebisu.

"N-n-n-n-not t-t-t-that g-g-guy!" Naruto stutters

"He's what? What you called him?" Kakashi-sensei asked

"You're kidding me of all the guys you could've to pick, you picked this one, what a joke he's weaker at this stuff than we are!" Naruto yelled

"What makes you say that?" Kakashi asked

"Naruto's telling the truth! You should've seen him, he saw Naruto's harem jutsu once and fell to pieces." You pointed out

Ebisu started covering your and Naruto's mouth.

"Harem jutsu?" Kakashi questioned

"Oh, it's nothing just a joke we share." Ebisu sweatdropped responding to Kakashi's question

"Look you two, I make you a deal keep quiet about that and I'll buy you anything you want to eat, BBQ, Ramen, you name it." Ebisu tries to reason as putting us in a tight lock.

"Anything we want?" Naruto asked

"Well well, I had no idea you three were acquainted," Kakashi said

"Yes we go way back" Ebisu patted our head's

"I still don't get why it has to be him. I mean anybody else." Naruto said annoyed

"Look if it wasn't for Kakashi who didn't ask me for this favor I wouldn't consider training you." Ebisu pointed his fingers out on us

"Yeah well then don't!" Naruto yelled crossing his arm's

"Hey hey come on you two, let's all try to calm down," Kakashi said trying to reason with him

Kakashi-sensei bends down at a whispering tone.

"Listen Naruto, Nariko, your wrong about Ebisu-sensei, he's a private tutor who only trains the elite. Frankly, he's a better teacher than I am." Kakashi said trying to persuade us

Kakashi stands up having more to say.
"I've gotta say Naruto, Nariko that of Squad 7 your basic skills needs the most work. That's what I want you to focus on this time around." Kakashi said

"Wait, hold on a second! Are you honestly saying that we're not as good than Sasuke or Sakura?" Naruto assumed

"Uzumaki's, no matter, how hard you work your fundamental, are fundamental and yours could be improved. So if you really want to become strong than just be quiet and pay attention. Alright, Ebisu-sensei I leave in your capable hands." Kakashi said walking away

"I'll do what I can" Ebisu response

"But Kakashi---" I said
"Don't worry about it too much. See ya" Kakashi whispered in my ear before walking off

I look away.

"Well come on, let's get started" Ebisu started harshly

"Okay... but I don't buy it, this whole thing is totally nuts! Even if we do need to work on my fundamentals how the heck are they supposed get better when we have a teacher that's weaker at this stuff than I am!" Naruto complained

"I beg your pardon but who do think you're calling weak?" Ebisu said looking at us

"Who do you think who else is standing here!" Naruto yelled with a tick mark bulging in his head

"If this all because of that ridiculous and inappropriate jutsu of yours, it took me by surprise that's all. I wouldn't be too hasty to judge my abilities based on one incident a long time ago." Ebisu tries to faking his smile

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