Hate Among the Uchihas: The Last of the Clan!

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You look behind you and see that Perverted Sage is back and slings the broad over his shoulder.
"As you can see, you have failed. Jiraiya, the Toad Sage falls victim to no woman's charm. Rare beauties fall for me. When you reach the stature I have, the ladies worship at your awesomeness." Jiraiya finished his ego introduction

Everything became quiet. You looked back disappointed and Naruto looked furious.
"Don't give me that! One wink from a lady and you turn into a mountain of mush! You fell for it like a ton of bricks, Pervy-Sage!" Naruto shouted
"I wish you wouldn't call me that in front of people," Jiraiya said
"Are you kidding me? We've got worse things to worry about than what these guys think of you! Get with it, Pervy-Sage!" Naruto called him out
"Didn't I just ask you not to call me that?"

Kisame chuckled.
"Whatever name you go by, Master Jiraiya, I must say, you're something of a disappointment. A lecherous old man with the disposition of children. It's almost impossible to believe that you are one of the three Legendary Sannin."

"Wha--! You-- You already know who he is?" Naruto questioned
"Uh, don't be fooled by appearances, or, you know, anything this little squirt might say." Jiraiya pointed out to Naruto
"So you somehow managed to release the genjutsu we cast on her, eh?" Kisame chuckled
"What coward would do something like that? Using his Sharingan to inflict an illusion Jutsu on an innocent woman, all to separate the twins from me."

"T-To separate us? But why?" Naruto questioned
"It's pretty obvious. The Nine-tails." You whispered
"I know that they're the ones you're after," Jiraiya mentioned

Everything got silent for a while.

"That's how Kakashi knew. I understand. He learned it from you." Itachi said before turning his attention toward you and Naruto. Naruto raised a protective arm across you.

"Correct. Naruto and Nariko is the prize that the Akatsuki are after. And we will have them." Itachi said
The armored toad that blocked Kisame's sword slash turned to clouds and disappeared.

"No way you're getting them," Jiraiya said Itachi glared at him.
"We'll see about that."

Jiraiya places a hand on both of your shoulders reassuring you that 'everything will be okay.'
"This is all very convenient. I can eliminate you both at the same time."

"Stay out of this." Sasuke stands on his own, you can see his struggle
"The only one who's going to eliminate him..." Sasuke stands up
"Is me!"

"I don't believe it. I can't." You mumbled
"Why are you here?! What are you doing?!" You exclaimed

"I'll do anything to prevent this bastard from walking the earth!" Sasuke yelled
"Didn't I tell you before? I've lived my whole life for this day, this moment." Sasuke struggled to stand upright
"This fight is mine!" He activated his Sharingan
Sasuke charges without thinking. He's blinded by rage and anger. You were stunned at Sasuke's revelation, but at the same time, you were intrigued. Itachi once again slapped him away.

"Sasuke," Naruto mumbled

You look between Itachi and Sasuke struggling to stand up. You run to help Sasuke when a fish hand yank your shoulder forcing you back.
"You heard him, Sunflower. It's a family matter. Best not to intervene if you know what's good for you." Kisame threatened and raise his blade to your neck, you glared up at him, your teeth seething, it hurts but you backed away.

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