Return of the Morning Mist

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You tried your best to remove an Uchiha from your mind.

More importantly, what would your brother think of your intimate moment with his rival, who he hated since they've met?

Just the thought of it made your head spin. You know exactly who to talk to at this moment, luckily, he's nearby.


"So let me get this straight, Kit. You want me a fox demon to give you advice on your intimate moment with that Uchiha kid?" Kurama said looking down at you

"Yeah." You guilty look up at him, it took a moment before you continued "Come on, Kurama, you've seen what happened and know what I've been through from birth. Can you at least give me advice? I don't know how to face him after that." You covered your face thinking back to your first kiss.

Kurama is on the fence.
"Why haven't you confided in your brother?"

You scratch the back of your neck.
"I mean we tell each other everything but this is probably the one thing I hate to tell him. I'm afraid, what would he say?"

You shake your head, out of the thought. Kurama sighed.
"He's your brother, your family. You trust him, right?"

"Of course!" You exclaimed "I trust him with my life, he always has my back. But I'm not sure Naruto would understand the dilemma, neither of us has been kissed before." You thought a moment before continuing "Well, Naruto kissed Sasuke accidentally, but that doesn't count."

"Well, the question you should be asking yourself. Do you like him?" Kurama said leaving you speechless

"I mean he's stubborn and full of himself. But I value him as a teammate." You answered thinking it's right

"No. Do you like him?" Kurama question again but sterner, leaving you with your mouth open but nothing comes out

"...I don't know what to feel that's the whole point." You said
"You have to figure out your emotions before feeling them," Kurama said

"But Kurama, how can I that doesn't make any sense?" You questioned
"I'm the last one you should take advice from. I'm nothing but a fox demon."

"That's not true, Kurama, you're my friend. I came to you for your own opinion because I thought that we were close. Ya know?" You said making the giant fox demon slump at your response

"For that I'm grateful," Kurama's pointy teeth were seen from behind the bars. "If that's all, your free to go."

"It's that time already?" You whined

"Your brother needs you, plus tell him everything, I'm sure he'll understand. Another journey awaits," Kurama said

You gave him a self-rewarding smile, "Thanks Kurama for giving me advice."

"Oh, I didn't tell you this. But it's probably best to keep our frequent conversations to yourself." Kurama said
"If word gets out that you're able to talk to me normally like this. They'll find a way to weaponize you if you're captured." Kurama said
"Yeah, right." You said


The wind blew through the trees rustling the leaves and branches out of the quiet forest as a pair of sapphire blue eyes stared at you. Naruto's hand placed upon your hand your forehead as you peered up at him.

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