Demon In The Snow

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"Gato, I don't understand. What is all this? Why are you here? And are these thugs you've brought with you?" Zabuza asked

"Hm. Well, you see, there's been a slight change in plan. According to the plan, you die right here." Gato smirked

"What?" Zabuza asked

"That's right. You're too expensive. So I've decided to take you off the payroll. Of course, even these thugs I brought with me cost something. So if you could manage to slaughter a few of them before they take you down, I'd appreciate it. Think you could manage that? Do you, the Ninja of the Mist? [Snickers]. Look at you. You look about as demonic as a wet kitten." Gato said

"Well, we'll, Kakashi. It would seem our fight is at an end. Since I am no longer in Gato's employ, Tazuna's safe. We have no quarrel." Zabuza said
"Yeah, I suppose you're right," Kakashi said

"That reminds me, you little punk. You grabbed me and nearly broke my arm!" Gato started to kick Haku's corpse playfully "I've been meaning to repay you for that." Gato kicked Haku's body hard enough for bones to crack. I gasped horribly at the scene.

"Huh, I only wish he was alive to feel it." Gato joked around,
"No! Stop it!" I yelled
"Get away from him, you scum!" Naruto yelled lunging forward to put a stop to this madness but only to be grabbed by Kakashi-sensei.

"Hey stop! Use your head!" Kakashi-sensei tries reasoning.

"What about you Zabuza? You gonna let him do that?" Naruto asked,
"Be quiet, you fool. Haku's dead. What does it matter?"

"What? What did you just say?" I asked

"You mean, you could just stand there and watch him get treated like a dog? You and Haku were together for years. Doesn't that mean anything?" Naruto continued,
"You two, don't understand the way of the shinobi. I merely used him just as Gato used me." Zabuza said,
"Now, it's over. His usefulness is at an end. The loss of his strength and skill, yes, that means something to me. But the boy-- Nothing." He said, my anger flicked.
"Man, if you mean that your a bigger jerk than I thought," I said

"Okay, that's enough. Calm down, Uzumaki's. He's not the enemy. Not right now." Kakashi-sensei tries to soothe us,
"Sorry sensei but I won't!" I said shrugging him off,
"Aah! Shut up! As far as I'm concerned he's enemy number one!" Naruto shouted Zabuza kept quiet and look at our face.
"Why you... You ungrateful-- After everything, he did for you. Haku lived for you!" He continued I then remembered what Haku said in the forest.

"You were the most important thing in the world to him," I said
"And he meant nothing to you? Nothing at all? While he was sacrificing everything for you, you never felt anything at all for him? And if I and my sister become stronger, does that mean we'll become as cold-hearted as you are?" Naruto continues
"He threw his life away. Gave up everything to please you. And for what? You and your dream." I said
"You never let him have a dream of his own. But he didn't care. And you just tossed him aside like he was nothing. A broken tool. Man, that's so wrong. So wrong!" Naruto said
"He was trying so hard. All he wanted was a new life but he tried to please you just to be noticeable." I added

"You both talk too much," Zabuza muttered
"No. We were just proofing a point." I said

Little did I know behind that mask was pain hidden deep within.
"Your words cut deep-- Deeper than any blade. While he fought you, his heart was breaking in two. You see, Haku was always too soft and too kind. He felt pain and sorrow. And now, curse him, I feel them too. And something else, I feel content that this is the way it ends." Zabuza strips off his bandages around his mouth. He has sharp teeth.

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