Byakugan Battle: Hinata Grows Bold

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After I gave some medicine to Naruto I went downstairs to give some to Kiba.

"Here Kiba," I said lending some of my medicine to him as he looks at me concerned

"It's not me you should be worried about now, look after yourself you didn't have your fight yet. When they pair you up with Neji and that guy from the sand village. Be smart and forfeit the match immediately." Kiba said, concerned

The next fight is going up next I turn to the screen.

Hinata Hyuga vs. Neji Hyuga

I stared at the screen in shock. As we get into positions.

"I wouldn't think we face each other, Hinata" Neji stated

"Nor I brother" I spoke softly

"What she called him?" Sakura questioned

"Brother! Those two are brother and sister!" Naruto pointed out

"In the Hyuga Clan, there are the main and the branch part of the family. So there not brother and sister." Kakashi explained

"But they're related somehow?" Sakura said

"Sakura how dense can you be? In the way of the branch, a great tree related to its trunk their more like cousins." I said

"A trunk of a tree?" Naruto questioned

"Exactly, Hinata belongs to the main household directly descendant from the head of the clan as for Neji's family is a far lesser branch." Rock Lee explained it to Naruto and the others

"Still there family and have to fight each other, I feel for them," Sakura said innocently

"It may not be all that bad, I've heard for many generations their been some bad blood between the two families." Rock Lee explained

"So this match is like a family feud," Sakura said

"Exactly," I said with a smirk

"Look there about to start," Kakashi said grabbing our attention

"Before we begin I have something to say, Hinata look at me," Neji said, coldly Hinata was forced to look up

"Forfeit the match you know you can't do this. Your far too kind and gentle you seek peace and harmony. Shino, Kiba, and Nariko wanted to participate but you didn't." Neji said harshly

"No your wrong I wanted to see if I can change" Hinata innocently

"Foolish Hinata, your so naive! A person can't change no matter how hard they tried. They can't run from their fate. A failure will always be a failure. Other than that I see the world clearly with my byakugan." Neji said

"Byakugan?" Sakura started

"It's the kekkei Genkai or bloodline trait, it's a visual jutsu just like Sasuke's sharingan. It is said that byakugan derived from sharingan sometime long ago, but byakugan is stronger between the two" Kakashi explained

Hinata shivers in fear, Neji did his handsigns activated his byakugan.
She looks to the upper left then rolled her eyes to the lower right she covered her lips with fingers. Neji analysis her movements.

"My eyes cannot be deceived. In the slightest of movements. Your gaze drifted to the upper left from that movement the think of your past, your bitter past. After that your gazing rolled to the lower right at that moment your thinking to yourself if your life prepared you for this, your pictured yourself losing. And that gesture of putting your finger on your lip's covers up your rising panic. You try to be brave but you already know---" Neji finished

"That does it!" Naruto yelled

"Who are you to say who she can or can't be! Go on Hinata! Show this guy he's wrong!" Naruto cheered on angrily

"Grrr! Hinata, are you going to stand there and take that? Do something you're driving me crazy!" Naruto clutch onto the railings

Hinata looks on Neji as she gets into position.
"Face yourself, my brother"

I recognize that pose from anywhere. The Hyuga style.

"Of course, it is the Hyuga style that's why their poses are the same," I said

"The Hyuga style?" Sakura questioned

"It's the most effective taijutsu found in the village. I have on my team the man who is probably the strongest genin ever to come out of the hidden leaf village, that man, Neji Hyuga." Rock Lee spoke

Hinata and Neji begin to fight. Hinata scores the first blow with chakra flying around.

Hinata was so close to knocking Neji. Neji moved out the way just in time. The two does a standoff trying to find an opening.

"Did she get him?" Sakura said

"No way, she hardly touches him!" Naruto yelled in disbelief

"Furthermore, a glancing blow is enough that's what makes them the most formidable fighters" Rock Lee explained

"What does?" Sakura asked

How stupid can you be? Sakura.

"Their taijutsu is a unique one, it been passed down from generations. It's not the kind of taijutsu Lee and I employ. We tend to concentrate on the external damage we use crushing blows to raise contusions and break limbs, pounding our enemies. The Hyuga way focuses on attacking their opponent's internal organs in the chakra network through which the chakra flows, their way is more settle perhaps not thrilling to watch. But it gradually takes effect with devastating results." Bushier brow Sensei explained

"You see you can't build up your internal organs no matter how hard you train. Even the toughest ninja is vulnerable to this kind of attack." I explained

Neji and Hinata take off again. It amazes me. Hinata giving all Neji can handle.

"Hinata, way to go!" Naruto cheered

"They attack the chakra network? These people are amazing." Sakura said

"You're telling me, what is the chakra network anyway?" Naruto asked

"*Sigh* Don't you know, anything?" Sakura stated

"Here I will explain it, it is the complex system of circular canals that distribute chakra throughout the body. Similar to a person's vascular system the veins and arteries that carry blood." Rock Lee explained it

"I get it, only these veins carry chakra, not blood," Naruto said

"Basically, furthermore, the chakra network is so closely inner woven with all the most vital internal organs. That they are one in the same. Therefore when the network is attacked these organs suffer damage as well." I finished it up for Rock Lee

"Wow, Lee and Nariko, since when you get to be so smart," Naruto said

"You idiot! Since when you get to be a Genin?" Sakura pounded Naruto's head I stroke his bump. I gave Sakura my deadliest glare, she didn't notice.

I see Rock Lee clutching into a fist.

"But sensei, how do they know where to hit their opponent? The chakra network is invisible to the eye. So how do they know exactly where to land their blows?" Sakura asked, stupidly

"You're forgetting their byakugan, there are a few things that are visible to those eyes," Kakashi explained

"What's more, when they strike a blow it's a little different from a normal attack. A small but intense burst of their own chakra is released from their hand. It drills into the opponent's body directly attacking his chakra network." Kakashi finished explaining

Hinata attacked and it looks like she hit him.

"Did she get him?" Sakura looked, worried

I can only hope.

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