Uzumaki's Counterattack: Never Give In!

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I watch Naruto falling in disbelief.

Naruto slowly opened his eyes that's when I feel something powerful taking control of me. I hover my right hand over my right eye.

My head hurts. What's happening to me?

'This is my power.'

"Oh yeah, eat this!" Naruto kicked the snake hard on his nose.

'His eyes.'

'Your eyes are like that as well' Kurama smirked

Attack. I must kill him!

I try shaking away the thought. Naruto punches the snake repeatedly breaks up many branches.

"Is that Naruto. Nariko, did you know he could---?" Sasuke looks at me in the eyes he stared wide open.

"Look at him he's gone nuts. Wow. Where did he get all of that power all of a sudden? Nariko---did you know he could? Nariko, your eyes!" Sakura exclaimed

I ignored her and lock my eyes on the target. I jump at her super punch the snake and slammed it at the side of a tree. The Snake lady looks at me amazed.

The snake lady looks between me and Naruto. Naruto pounces at her.
The snake licks off Naruto but that didn't stop him he pushes himself off of a tree. The snake lady blow and spits out fire knocking Naruto through many trees.

"Those fire in their eyes there's no mistaking it." The snake lady said looking between Naruto and me.

"Now let's see if you'll be an interesting meal. For my friend." The snake charges at Sasuke. Naruto and I spread our arms wide open, I winced at the sudden snake impact that I cough up blood, breathing heavily at the same pace as we're one.

"What's the matter? Are you hurt, scaredy-cat?" Naruto looked up at Sasuke meeting his gaze

I can feel the powerful chakra taking over every second. My teeth grow longer, sharper. My nails did the same thing it's growing longer and sinister looking I close my fist so hard that my palms were bleeding.

I take a closer look at Naruto to see his flaming red eyes and his cheeks were more visible.

'So that's what I look like.'

'Listen to me Nariko, Naruto has my other half the closer you guys are, the stronger the chakra is. The stronger the chakra is, grow the urge to kill and the more you'll lose control. So I advise you to stay back.' Kurama said

My teeth grow much sharper turning into canine along with my nails. The chakra starts growing more powerful than before when I'm with Naruto.
I paid to much attention to Kurama that I didn't understand what Naruto was just saying.

"Frozen like a frighten rabbit no way your not the Sasuke I know!" Naruto said

'Nariko! Listen and hurry!' Kurama yelled

I slowly and sluggishly walk over to Sasuke hoping to save him. But I look back watching in fear as the snake lady's tongue wrapped itself around Naruto lifting up to her face.

"Nariko, Sasuke are you going to do something?" Sakura said

"Disgusting! Let me go before I rip this tongue from your head!" Naruto said, struggling to get out

"Interesting so the Nine-tailed brats live. It seems when your anger is aroused, some of the Nine-tails chakras is released."
The snake ladyfingers turn into purple flames she lifted up his shirt revealing a seal mark.

Naruto's Twin Sister (Sasuke Love Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें