The Scroll's Secret: No Peeking Allowed

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I walk with Nariko to see how she's doing.

"Hey Nariko" I walk up closer

"What is it? Sasuke" Nariko look at me, questionable

"Just be careful walking" I look away

"Oh please I'm always careful," Nariko said before falling in a ditch

"I told you to be careful now, didn't I?" I put my hands in my pocket

"Heh sorry" she rubbed her neck, chuckling

"Can you move at all?" I jump down to the ditch looking at Nariko face to face.

"Let me try," Nariko said, slowly stood up she wobbly walk towards me she stumbled over I quickly caught her on my back.

"Sorry Sasuke" Nariko apologize

"Hm, your such a pain," I said looking away
I carried Nariko on my back. Little did Nariko know I got a glimpse of her golden bright hair swaying back and forth, she loosen up a bit and press her front on my back. I choked a bit.

I came across our hidden spot when Naruto and Sakura talking to a strange man he appeared to be holding Naruto's arm.

An enemy!

I run over to the enemy as Nariko tries to gain control of her legs as she slides off my back.

That man looks familiar. I think his name was Kabuto.

"What are you here for? Trying to take our scrolls." I look at him, intensely

"I don't need it. See I already have both of them." Kabuto pulled out his Heaven and Earth scrolls, I was astonished.

"Well see you." Kabuto walked off

"Wait. I'll fight you for it." I said, making Kabuto move his glasses

"I think your lying, you've gotten an opportunity to steal the scrolls when my back was turned." Kabuto assumed

We need that scroll to pass to the other round. I have no choice.

I was forcing myself up but ever since the ditch. My ankle was acting up. I ignored what Kabuto and Sasuke were saying.

"Nariko, are you coming?" I could hear Naruto calling for my name from the distance

"Coming," I said jumping to a branch as Kabuto and the other team talking I was so far away but I didn't wanna slow down the team because of my knocked-up ankle.

I speed up picking up the pace to the tower. We decided to walk when I sense something.

"Behind you" I yelled, whispered

"Right there!" Naruto throws his kunai stabbing a huge centipede crawling on a tree.

"Oh it's just a centipede" I look at it

"Just a centipede? That creepy thing is as big as a tower." Sakura whined

"Come on, let's go and Naruto do us all a favor and keep it at inaudible roar will you or you'll send other competitors at us, like flys" Kabuto assumed

"Yeah okay," Naruto said

We quietly went to the tower separately from drawing any attention. I was with Naruto as everyone else moved at their own pace.

"Naruto we must be quick and quiet," I said

"Nariko, a little help here please" Naruto struggling from large tree vines

"What the hell. You're stuck already?" My chuckle was a bit unnoticeable

"Don't laugh! Get me down! Please!" Naruto asked

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