Long Time No See: Jiraiya Returns!

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I walk up from behind the out cold, pervert Ebisu.

"Hey, Perv, you awake?" I bend down

"Naruto, don't you dare," Nariko said

"One way to find out," I said grinning made a handsign the same what Kakashi-sensei did to me during bell training.

"Hidden finger jutsu: Thousand years of death" I plunge my fingers into Ebisu butt, Nariko looked away disgusted. Ebisu is not moving an inch.

"Man, he's out of it. Some trainer, he's pathetic." I said, looking at Nariko.

"Okay frogman, what was that all about?" I yelled at the white-haired man

"Who are you anyway?" Nariko finished

"I'm glad you asked. I am the hermit of Mount Myōboku, the wise and immortal spirit, that's right! It is, I, the toad mountain sage!"

"What? Toad sage?" I questioned

"Exactly" Toad Sage jumped off his giant toad as it poofs away.

He's more of a pervert than a sage. A new nickname.

"Well listen here, you, Pervy Sage, what are you going to do about this? This guy is supposed to be training us and you laid him out flatter than a bath mat." I yelled as looking at the knockout Ebisu.

"Well, he shouldn't have interfered with my research."

"Your research?" Nariko questioned

"You see I am a novelist, I'm a writer of great books. Like this!" Pervy Sage said pulling out an orange book.

I look at it very carefully, it reminded me of Kakashi's Pervy book.

"You wrote that!" I and Nariko yelled in unison as always.

"Yes, I see, you know it!" Pervy Sage said while chuckling

"You call that Pervy trash! A novel?" I yelled

"Research, yeah right, just an excuse to peep on girls in the bathhouse" Nariko finished making all the women inside scamper off, screaming.

"Look at what you've done you ruined my peeping!--- I mean my research!" Toad Sage cries

"Dirty, old man," I said annoyingly

Pervy Sage runs up to us with the sound of click-clacks as he steps.

"You little... There's nothing dirty about it. I'm just a serious novelist, who's inspired by youth and beauty, that's all. And---!"

"Yeah whatever like anybody's gonna believe that. Who cares anyway, what about our training?" I yelled

"Training? You mean the walking on water technique you have so much trouble on?"

"You can do it? Okay, it's up to you to train us, you at least owe us that!" I yelled pointing out

"Hm stop wasting my time, you two. I'm busy." Pervy Sage said walking off

"Where's your sense in responsibly? You gotta train us." Nariko said

"Not on your life, you two have no respect for a true artist!... Besides, I don't like kids"

I whispered to Nariko then looked back at Pervy Sage.

"Actually we think your book is well written and interesting and informative," I said sweating

"Liar that book is prohibited for anyone who is under the age of 18" Pervy Sage respond

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