A Shadow in Darkness: Danger Lurks

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You were in the bed at the hospital, sleeping.

You were having a hard time waking up nothing could disturb you. There was nothing but silence no one came in or out when you checked in.

The door slides open, revealing two ominous figures slowly looming over you. Orochimaru and Kabuto look at your sleeping body.

"Here's she is. One half of the Nine-tails." Four-eyes said pressing his glasses. "She could be very useful."

"That she is. I'm telling you Kabuto, there's something special about this one other than the Nine-tails." Orochimaru spoke

"Remind me. What is it you want from her?"

Orochimaru looked at Kabuto then your face he trance his fingers across from your body to the whiskers on your cheek. "Just like Uchiha, her body is an excellent test subject."

"I see. Your gonna turn her into one of your lab rats." Kabuto questioned

Orochimaru smirked then chuckled, "I'm gonna train her and work for me under my tutor ledge. She'll make a one-of-a-kind vessel."

Orochimaru remove your collar to see the curse mark is gone!

"See, I told you this one is special. I value her more, she makes a good vessel. She removed my mark somehow."

Kabuto nodded, "She is a mystery. Plus what she displayed during her match is a sight to behold."

"Under my training, she'll achieve infinite possibilities. She's my prized possession. I could never lose." Orochimaru spoke firmly he couldn't hide her laughter

"If one mark is removed, I'll just make another one." Orochimaru's cold lips trail over your neck ready to add the new mark to force you to come with him in time.

"Can I help you, gentlemen?" A voice out of nowhere speak causing Orochimaru to withdraw his attempt

Kakashi stood at the entrance. His nose buried into his book. He gazes over the situation in your hospital room.

"You guys are greedy enough to go after an Uchiha. But you'll go after an Uzumaki as well?" Kakashi-sensei inquired

"Dammit, Kakashi always spoiling up my fun." Orochimaru sneered

"Would you like for me to deal with him, Lord Orochimaru?" Kabuto questioned reaching for his pouch

Orochimaru shook his head, "No need. We don't want to make a fuss for there to be a full fight. We'll take our leave now. We know who we're dealing with." He looks at you
"Just know, you can't protect her all the time. Hatake."

Kakashi glared "You will have to kill me first before even laying a finger on her."

"You'll see. Kakashi." Orochimaru spoke his piece before vanishing in a cloud of smoke.

Kakashi took Orochimaru's words to heart, he look at your neck, the mark is gone and he stepped just in time to stop that damn snake from implanting another mark on you. Kakashi can now breathe easy knowing the threat is gone.

Kakashi tried to make sense of it all. What were Orochimaru's motives; first, Sasuke Uchiha. Now, it's you he wanted maybe he wants what's inside you the Nine-tails.

Kakashi-sensei had other business to attend to he have to go to Sasuke.


"In the final round, each of you will put your battle skills on display. You'll demonstrate the power and control that you've achieved in respect of discipline. Accordingly the final rounds with commencing a month from now." The Third said

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