The Chase Continues: Nariko's Vision Perception

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An explosion went off somewhere deep within the forest, it caught everyone's attention. The blast was so large it shook the ground and caused a cloud of debris to the sky.

"Whoa," Sakura called. "What was that?"

Naruto paused on a branch with you behind, Pakkun fell upon your head with a grunt.

"Trip-wire traps," Pakkun answered. "They're certainly not making Sasuke's job easy for him."

"Sasuke," Sakura murmured. "Do you think he might have been-?"

You knew what Sakura was about to say, but you refuse to make her say it.
"Don't worry. Sasuke will be just fine. He's tough as nails, he can hold up on his own."

Naruto nodded in agreement "Sis is right. Trust in Sasuke. It'll take more than a few explosives to knock him out."

Together the four of you regained your momentum and continue your chase to Sasuke. Little did you know your vision about the Third and Orochimaru is underway.

Shikamaru, the lazy genius of your age. He lingered in your mind, you'd hope he'll be alright. Suddenly, the faces of your friends flashes in your head - Choji, Shino, Ino, Hinata, Kiba, Konoharmau, Iruka-sensei, Kakashi-sensei, The Third, Tenten, Rock Lee, Neji, the hell with it even Gaara too, you have to make him come to reason, he's just like you fighting his demon - everyone you cared about in your mind. You'd hoped they were all accounted for at this time of action.

You need to tell Naruto and the others about your visions at some point. After being alone with your thoughts for a minute, Pakkun made an announcement that snap you out of it.

"I smell Sasuke has stopped moving, he's still a long way ahead though," Pakkun barked

"If Sasuke stopped that means we can finally catch up. We move faster." You said those visions you had shouldn't come true you won't allow it!

"Did I smell what I think I smelled," Pakkun mumbled before pausing on a branch

Everyone else paused with him, "Huh? What is it? What's wrong?" Naruto asked

"Do you smell some kind of trouble?" Sakura asked

"Strange, how I didn't know it before," Pakkun continued "Sakura, did you know you and I use the same shampoo: Minty Rainforest Mist, right? Extra body?"

You snickered fighting back a huge laugh, the look on Sakura's face was priceless.

Pakkun stared Sakura down, "But I wonder why my coat looks so much glossier than yours?"

"Knock it out, will you!" Naruto yelled, "It's no time talking about hair products!"

"Sorry just making an observation," Pakkun apologized

Sakura, on the other hand, looked paler than a ghost, her forehead leaning against the trunk as she muttered over and over to herself, "I smell like a dog."

"Hey, Sakura you good?" You questioned as she mutters the phrase over and over again jumping through the trees. "Oh geez."

You dashed off after her, she wasn't in her right mind state.

"Ah! Look what you've done! Sakura!" Naruto scolded that old dog, metaphorical and literal

"Where are you going!? You won't get far without me!" Pakkun yelled after the three of you.

After snapping Sakura out of her 'dog' trance, all of you continued down a path to catch up with Sasuke and the Sand Siblings. All of this chasing was starting to get on your nerves, it's like the closer you get, the further they go. Why can't any of them just stand still?

The wind tussled your hair as your jab the branches with your sandals: the material of your outfit consisted of an orange jumpsuit much like Naruto's, the pants were shorts, and because you blacked out that one time your top is revealing your stomach. Honestly, it felt as if you've been wondering for hours.

Pakkun picked up another scent, "There it is."

Naruto rolled his blue-colored orbs, "Oh, what, someone's shampoo?"

"No. I smell Sasuke," said Pakkun. "He's not alone I smell others with him. He's finally caught up to them."

You gave Naruto and Sakura a look of relief, "Now's our chance to catch up with him and prevent my vision to come true."

"Vision?" Naruto inquire

"Forget it." You shake off your brother's confused eyes

"They're close together and they've stopped moving," Pakkun spoke. "Could mean a fight, we should hurry."

Pakkun's wiry eyes looked back at the three of you, "Looks like we're not the only ones tracking Sasuke. There's something else out there."

"Friend or Foe?" Sakura questioned

Pakkun turned his eyes forward, "I don't know, isn't human."

(Not human? My vision! If that's true then Sasuke is in much more danger than I thought.)


You've never danced through the trees like you were now, this chase was starting to be extremely aggravating, but you have to stay calm for the team and you swear once you find Sasuke, you'll murder him for forcing all of you to rack him down.

The good news is he stopped moving and nothing crazy happened yet. You were getting closer to Sasuke and so far, he stopped moving for a moment. Pakkun sniffed the air for like the one-hundredth time, pausing on a branch.

"Uh oh," he barked.

"What is it?" Sakura asked as he paused beside him. You also landed on a branch slightly below the two. Naruto, on the other hand, kept rolling.

He turned his head back, his attention on the three of you, "Hey. What's wrong?"

Naruto then ran face-first into a body of a thick tree. His head cocked backward as he groaned in pain, your brother made twenty birds fly away in fear.

"Brother! Are you alright?" You asked

Naruto's face was scratched, "You wanna clue me in on what's happening!?"

Pakkun nodded, "Smells like they're in motion: Sasuke as well as two others and they're moving fast. Smells to me like Sasuke's chasing them."

"What's he doing now?" You questioned

"There are also two not moving," Pakkun finished. Perched against the tree branch Naruto grumbled.

"Who cares!? We've gotta catch up to Sasuke c'mon!" Naruto yelled eagerly

Sakura looked back down at Pakkun, "What is it? What's the matter?"

"The two left are about to engage in combat, I smell it. Even if it means losing some time, we should go around them just to be safe." Pakkun explained

"Are you sure about that? It's not the best option, we don't have any time to lose right now." You shouted refusing to change course

"Nariko's right. Who knows what'll happen if we get caught up in a crossfire," Sakura answered. "What we don't have time for is for us to get mixed up in someone else's fight."

"What are you talking about-?" Naruto began to protest but was cut off by the hound

"Listen, kid, our mission is to bring Sasuke back! We should try and avoid any fighting if possible let alone go out looking for it!" Pakkun growled. "Come on!"

You rose to your feet and hopped after Pakkun, this was starting to become a chase of cat and mouse, and you didn't like it not one bit. Sasuke, please be okay.

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