A New Training Begins: Uzumaki Time

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You stand outside the town entrance with the other guys and Might Guy carrying Sasuke on his back due to some genjutsu his murderous brother, Itachi inflicted on him.

"Alright then, Guy. I'll leave Sasuke in your capable hands." Jiraiya said

Guy look at Naruto's determine face.
"Master Jiraiya. Find Lady Tsunade and bring her back to us."
"Don't worry. I'm all over it." Jiraiya said
"Yeah. You can count on us. We'll have her to the village in no time."
Guy look at Naruto's determine face.
"Nothing. Pleases me more than someone who has guts, kid." Guy reached in his pocket for something, you don't like the sound of how confident "Lee got stronger wearing this." Guy pulled out his infamous training jumpsuit. You and Jiraiya groaned as Naruto was excited about it like something he won from the lottery. "They're breathable, retains moisture, and perfectly designed for free movement, all in one sweet, stylish package. If you wear it while you train, you'll notice the difference immediately. It really grow on you! Pretty soon you'll be wanting to wear them all the time like Lee! I developed a thing for them myself." Guy advertise giving them to Naruto
"Oh man!" Naruto cheered looking at his new "Lee" fitted clothes, you glared at the fabric, Naruto and Guy smiled at each other with gleaming teeth

You and Naruto waved Guy, goodbye.
"What do you think, Sis? Will it suit me?" Naruto questioned flaunting the training suit around in your face.
"Oh hell no! Put that abomination away." You roughly throw it in Pervy-Sage face "Nariko is right about that. Look at him." Pervy-Sage said siding with you, Guy's Goofy suit buried in your mind. "Now that's goofy." Pervy-Sage said

"I've been meaning to ask but Nariko. What're you wearing?" Pervy-Sage question


You left the town and Naruto didn't speak at all during that duration of the time. You noticed and stopped dead in your tracks. "Something on your mind, bro?"
"Yeah. It's what the Itachi guy said about the Akatsuki hunting us down. What exactly did they want?" Naruto said
You look at Pervy-Sage expecting to answer.
"Don't get the wrong idea, they're after what's inside both of you. Even if they managed to get one half of the Nine-Tails, it'll be catastrophic." Jiraiya said
"What the hell is this thing, anyway?" Naruto questioned massaging his stomach where the seal is kept.
"Some awful beast that terrorized the village that's way everyone's afraid of it. But why do they want it so bad?"

"The Nine-Tails Fox has appeared in time of consequence all through the ages. A gastly spirit destroying all that lays in it's path. As long as it act in nature men trumbled before it. As for what they want for that malicious beast is hard to answer. It's their business. I honestly can't say. I bet they're hoping to seize it's power and bend it to their will."

You clench your teeth at Jiraiya calling Kurama 'malevolent beast'. How would he know?

"It's a bitter pill to swallow knowing that those two will be after you, it's one thing if they managed to capture one. Half of the Nine-Tails is more than enough to obliterate a entire mountain. Sooner or later you'll face greater treats. That's your fate and destiny." Jiraiya said you trail off looking at the town you left
"But not to worry after all. You'll still have me around." Jiraiya said
"That's what I'm afraid." You sighed
"In that case, we'll just need to learn new techniques and up our game." You said
"That's right! Let's find this Tsunade women, so she can fix Sasuke, then get down to some serious business." Naruto said
"Or we could do both learn a new Jutsu and look for the wayward woman." You suggested
"That's the idea." Jiraiya said

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