The Weapons Known as Shinobi

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"Go on. Finish it. Kill me." Haku said walking up, I back away couldn't bring myself to do it.

"Why do you hesitate? I thought you wanted, to be a mighty warrior."

"That's not what this is about. Do you believe that's all there is to it, just fighting and killing until there's only one man left standing? There's a lot more to being shinobi than that, and there are other ways of showing your strength than just by beating someone in battle." I said

"I've had a feeling all along, from the first moment we met in the woods. We are a lot alike. I'm sure you know what I mean. I'm only sorry that it must be both your hand that is tainted with my unworthy blood." Haku said I look at him waiting for me to strike.

"You sure about this. And you're positive that it's the only way?" I said

"Yes." Haku agreed

"The weird thing is if we met in another time and place, I think that maybe we could have been friends." I lastly said I pulled my kunai out but couldn't bring myself to go for it.

After Haku spoke those words. Nariko would've done this. I hesitate and a tear rolled down my cheek.

"For Sasuke, because he also had a dream," I spoke softly

Haku closes his eyes for my kunai to pierce through his body. But he sprung up last minute to catch my arm.

"Sorry, Naruto, change of plans. I'm not ready to die quite yet." Haku said he was making ninja signs with his free hand.

"He disappeared," I spoke I look around before I caught him hovering over Nariko's figure

"I have to do what's right." Haku took the needles from Nariko's body and did the unexpected

Haku kissed Nariko on her cheek. Before vanishing again.

Using Lightning Blade, I run full speed to Zabuza, ready to meet his last. As I close in, something unexplainable happened.

Instead of stabbing through Zabuza, his comrade, Haku appears and took his place.

I heard the mirror tinkling down as it slowly chips away. Blood splat on my face.

"So my future is all used up, huh?[Laughing] Wrong again, Kakashi." Zabuza said


I gently wake up by coughing. Naruto was next to me.



"What's up? What's happening!" I spring up ready for action

Naruto explained everything about what happened, I look at Sasuke's physique.

"This isn't funny, where'd he go? Hey!" Naruto frantically looks around for Haku's disappearance.

The heavy fog lifted.

"Look, the fog's lifting!" I exclaimed

Off in the distance, I see three silhouettes one of them looks like sensei has his hand plunge into Haku's chest by the looks of it.

"Wait, is that him?" Naruto asked

"It appears by the look of it," I answered

We run a little closer to the figures. Kakashi-sensei has his hand buried into Haku's chest to protect Zabuza.

"What the heck's going on here?" Naruto questioned

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