Chunin Challenge: Rock Lee vs. Sasuke!

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"Hey you, with the attitude. Hold on"

We all look up, it was Rock Lee.

"What you want?" Sasuke asked coldly

"I want to fight right here and right now" Rock Lee demanded

"You want to fight me here and now, huh?"

"Yes." Rock Lee vaulted jump over the rail to face us

"My name is Rock Lee. You said it was common courtesy for a challenger to give his own name first, right? Sasuke Uchiha? I want a fight you for reasons." Lee said staring at me

"Oh, Nariko, I'm in love with you. Please go out on a date with me." Lee said
At this point, my face turned red like a cherry.

He gives a winky heart blow. Sasuke blew a fireball and burned it. Lee scowled.

"Nice one. Let's see you dodge this!" Lee blew multiple hearts at once.

"My sis is off-limits, back off. Bushy brow!" Naruto yelled

"You only say that now but in the future. I'll be your respected brother in law." Lee said

"In your dreams! Nariko's not going out with anyone til I become Hokage! Believe it!" Naruto shouted

"There's only one guy. Who's worthy of me! I just hadn't found him yet." I said

"That means your free!" Lee yelled amazed

"She's not interested," Sasuke said

"Do I even get a say in this?" I asked

"No~!" The whole squad yelled

"Oh yeah, you wanna fight Sasuke, huh?! Why not me!" Naruto yelled

"No thank you, I would like to fight Uchiha"

"Oh yeah, well Sasuke can't compare to me, Believe it!" Naruto charges

Lee dodges his blows.

"Leaf whirlwind." Lee send Naruto spinning to the wall

I run to Naruto, stunned.

"If I defeat Sasuke now. Then I will get recognized by Nariko showing her I'm stronger than an Uchiha." Lee said

Sasuke and Lee fight it out while I was checking Naruto for any injuries. Naruto soon wakes up to look at Sasuke getting beaten up by Lee.

"You get it now? I am using taijutsu that means no tricks, Sasuke"

Lee disappeared and reappeared behind the Uchiha.

"It is just straight martial arts, nothing more."

"Why you--" Sasuke swing and misses Lee avoided jumping backward

"I know your technique. Forget it. It will not work, not on me. I know you can see through your opponent's jutsu. That sharingan gives you the ability to read his chakra and decipher his hand signs and movements. You can guess what he's going to do almost before he knows himself. The problem is taijutsu is a little bit different." Lee announced

"Right. So what's your point?"

"I do not try to hide or disguise my moves. I do not have to. Even if you could read them, you still cannot stop them. You are too slow. Your eyes may be quick enough to stay one step ahead of me, but if your body cannot keep up, what good does it do you?" Lee words cause Sasuke to growl restlessly

"You know what? Here is what I believe. There are two different kinds of ninja, those like you who are born with talent and do not have to work at it,"

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