Zero Visibility: The Sharingan Shatters

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I could hear talking from outside the ice mirrors.

"I didn't get to him. Then I'll try again. As many times as it takes. Shadow clone jutsu!"

"Naruto! Don't!" Sasuke warned

Naruto didn't listen and lunges himself with his clones. Haku moved from mirror to mirror swiftly, I heard some splashing noise for a second. He appeared in the middle and threw more needles scratching me and Sasuke. Haku attacked the clones and the real Naruto fall down.

"How is he doing that?" Naruto asked

Sasuke was in deep thought. I look around to find a way to beat him.

"One more time. Ah. Shadow clone jutsu!" Naruto said and all attack to the mirrors

Sasuke runs up and kicks the water in the air.

"Don't you see that it's useless?" Haku said one by one the clones poof away hitting Naruto and Sasuke, I tried landing a punch but I could only block and repel him in the mirror.

--You think those Genin punks together can beat Haku? He's the ultimate battle tool of destruction.-- Zabuza said

--Are you finished bragging? You're starting to put me to sleep. Let's finish this. Now.-- Kakashi-sensei raises his headband up revealing his sharingan

--Fine. But there's one more thing you should know. A little more bragging as you say. Did you really think our last battle just win or lose? That I took your attacks like some rank Genin? Haku was there, hiding, watching every move you made. Studying your Sharingan. Haku can see a jutsu once and immediately devise a lethal counterattack. It's one of his gifts. I've been waiting to see the look on your face when you realize you're Sharingan has been worthless. You once said the same jutsu won't work on me twice. Well, now I'm telling you that.

--Huh?-- Kakashi backed up

--Ninja Art: Hidden Mist Jutsu-- Zabuza performed, he disappeared in his mist

The mist grows thicker as time pass.

--Sensei-- Sakura said

--Sakura, stay with Tazuna.-- Kakashi said

--I have my job to do no matter what it takes.-- Sakura said running to Tazuna

--Follow my lead, Mr. Tazuna. And whatever happens, stay close.-- Sakura said

--All right. I'll stay right behind you.-- Tazuna said

"I know you need me, Zabuza. I'll finish them off quickly." Haku said

Naruto charges and repeatedly uses his shadow clones when Haku flew out of his mirror, Sasuke used his fireball jutsu nearly hitting him as he bends down and dives in a mirror.

"That's the trick. He's moving so fast that it looks like mirror clones jumping out." I said

Haku eliminates all the clones left one standing, Sasuke saw that coming he uses his fireball jutsu. Haku tried to dodge it but got burned on his pants he attacked the final clone, the real Naruto fell down. I catch him in my embrace.

Sasuke smirked. I look at the mirror, the last Haku dived into his mirror, his pants appear to be slightly singed.

"I was so close, but I couldn't quite get to him," Naruto said frustratingly

"Naruto, can you do it again?" Sasuke said

"Huh? Of course. Nothing can stop the Uzumaki's. Believe it." Naruto said fighting his exhaustion.

Haku uses the mirrors casting a blinding light on us. Sasuke performs his hand signs.

"Uzumaki's, run for it!" Sasuke yelled

"What?" I said looking

"Get out of here and attack from the outside. Hurry!" Sasuke command

"Uh, all right. You got it!" Naruto smiled, I and Naruto run to the mirrors.

"You cannot escape." Haku blinds and hits us slamming into each other. We get up and try again.

"You think you can keep the Uzumaki's here? Forget it." Naruto charges, I went full speed and tackle the mirrors with my shoulder it didn't work. Haku got out of his mirror, Sasuke uses his mirror where he was hiding.

"That's you are. Firestyle: Fireball jutsu!" Sasuke blew out his fireball, Haku dodges it swiftly he threw a needle at Sasuke. But I knew he could take it.

Haku appears in front and whacked us down. I did a backflip and catch my footing sliding away.

"I couldn't get passed him," Naruto said

"That was good, Uzumaki's. One more time," Sasuke said pulling out a needle from his shoulder and standing himself up

"Yeah. Let's do it." Naruto yelled

"You're not going to leave me behind, are you?" I stood up

"This time you'll stay down." Haku threw needles to hit Sasuke then a few more striking him, he yells.

"Sasuke!" Naruto yelled

Soon Naruto and I get pinned by those needles. In a little while... I could hear Sakura's blood-curdling scream on the other side.

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