Akamaru Unleashed! Who's Top Dog Now?

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I walk up the stairs to Naruto.

"Hey Nariko, is it just me or you saw markings on Sasuke?" Naruto questioned

"What markings? I didn't see anything" I said remembering, what Sasuke asked back in the forest.

I hate lying, especially to Naruto.

"Oh okay" Naruto looked back at the battle

Kakashi-sensei appeared.

"How's Sasuke?" Sakura questioned

"Oh he's fine" Kakashi-sensei answered, I look at the screen. It was Sakura Haruno vs. Ino Yamanaka were next. I don't even care about this one, I dozed off. They fight it came to a draw. I knew Sakura will never make it.

Next up, Tenten vs Temari.
Temari wins with that giant fan, Tenten was taken to the hospital treated for her injuries. Shikamaru Nara vs. Kin, Shikamaru wins by his shadow.

Kankuro vs. a stretched-up man, the man forfeited from being crush up by Kankuro's puppet.

"Hey, isn't that a bit unfair? I mean two against one"

"It's not another ninja, it's more like a tool used for a fight, so it's allowed," Kakashi explained

It was Shino vs. Zaku,
Shino won as Zaku went to the hospital for his arms giving out from the air hole cannon plugged up from Shino's bugs. The bugs weren't on Shino I took a closer look and deduced they're inside him feeding off his chakra in return the bugs will do as he says.

"Now it's finally going to be my turn. Believe it!" Naruto yelled

Next up is Naruto Uzumaki vs. Kiba Inuzuka.

"Yeah! It's finally my turn!" Naruto jumped down

"Looks like we hit the jackpot, Akamaru, we got the kid!" Kiba shouted

Don't make us look bad, show us how strong, you've gotten. Naruto.

I'm fighting Kiba. I face my opponent as he puts the puppy down next to him.

"Hey, why's that puppy here?" I started

"Deal with it, I never go in a fight without Akamaru!" Kiba defended

"Unfair hey that gotta count for a disqualified!" I yelled at the Proctor

"Just like Shino's bugs, Akamaru is a part of him the dog stays," Hayate said before coughing

"When your ready begin" Hayate called out

"Beast mimicry, all fours jutsu," Kiba said going all fours

"Here I come" Kiba fastly elbowing me in my stomach

"This little guy is going to be out for a while, you can call the match," Kiba said underestimating me

"What was that? I blinked and it was over." Kankuro said

"No way. This isn't over!" Nariko's voice cheers me on

"What are you saying, Nariko?" Shikamaru walked up

I wobbled up keeping my feet balance. Kiba started to throw smoke grenades, fielding me from vision. I run out of the smoke fields range when Akamaru went in and bite my arm.
As the smoke clears it was only "me" on the ground and Akamaru.

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