He Flies! He Jumps! He Lurks! Chief Toad Appears

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I tried my summoning jutsu to save us from falling. Nariko and I landed on something hard. I hit my head on the object as Nariko hits her's.

"Are you okay? Sis." I said running up to her picking her up

"Yep. Are you?" Nariko asked

I nodded.

"Any sooner we would fall to our death," I said chuckling a bit.

"Not funny! Bro." Nariko said playfully hitting my arm

"Come on, I'm just joking around," I said

"Okay. So where are we?" Nariko asked looking around she sees a large arm and leg holding the wall with little effort.

"Look at that? Awesome! Man, that is humongous! Wait. Hold on here." I crawled to the edge.

"This is a toad, isn't it?" I asked

"It has to be. I don't see any tail here!" Nariko said looking down below.

"I did it! Nariko, we did it!" I yelled running up to her she smiled.

"It's really a real toad!" I yelled

"We've finally been able to pull it off!" I said looking at Nariko

"Why, you little snots!" The Toad arched forward making us rolled down to his nose, giving us an intense glare.

"You little snots! Just whose head do you think you're dancing around on top of anyway? Well, let me tell you! I am wise and powerful Lord Gamabunta, the Chief Toad, and you're idiots! Now shut up!" Gamabunta yelled strongly making us hang for dear life he blew us to his humongous pipe. Nariko was pressed up against his pipe bowl as I was holding the rim.

"Ugh! What is this guy? He seems cool, but give me a break here!" I said

"I know right. Ever heard of personal manners?" Nariko said

"Just when I finally get to breathe some fresh air again, I find some weird kids tap dancing on my head! Hey, Jiraiya! Where are you, Jiraiya? Just what do you think you're doing?" Gamabunta yelling at the top of his lungs. Gamabunta balances his pipe on his tongue making me hang off the edge as Nariko was pressed up to it.

"Jiraiya! Show yourself, you buffoon. Hey, little snots. Uh, yeah? Where's Jiraiya hiding?" Gamabunta asked

"Huh? Who's this Jiraiya? I don't know any--" Naruto said

"Don't play dumb. I'm talking about that lecher who calls himself the Toad Sage. Now, where is he? Well?" Gamabunta asked setting us down back on his nose

Man, he's scary.

"Look, I'm giving you two an order, and if you can follow it, I'll even consider making you my henchman. So hurry up and answer me!" Gamabunta said calmly at first then yelled at the end

"Fine! If you're talking about that Pervert of a Sage, he's the one who shoved us down here. So he's up there on the surface." Nariko answered, pointing up.

"Up there?" Gamabunta look up

"Um, can I ask you one question, Sir Toad, sir?" I asked

"What is it?"

"What business do you have that pervy sage anyway?" I asked

"That's the very same question I want to ask that pervert! I mean, what in world does that fool want with me? Summoning me to a dang place like this?" Gamabunta yelled looking up towards the blue sky

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