Entering Nariko and Naruto Uzumaki

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12 years ago, a Nine-Tailed Fox suddenly appeared out of nowhere it tails lashed out leveling mountains and sending tidal waves with one swing crashing upon the shores. The Fourth Hokage rose up to defend their village, He relinquish his life to capture the beast and seal it within a human's body. Not just one human, but two.



You wake up from your loud brother jumping up and down the bed. Our bed set up there are two beds press up against each other.

"Naruto what is it?"

"Sis, time to get up it's an emergency"

"Not now maybe later"

Naruto left the room and screamed. You quickly got up and run out to the hallway​. Naruto was putting on his shoes and paint buckets next to him.

"What the-- hey you trick me!"

"I need your help with a prank."

"What is it now?"

"To paint the stone Hokage faces"

"No way," you said, plainly

"What why?"

"You are supposed to respect the past Hokage and how much they sacrificed themselves to save the village. I'm just going to the academy."

"Oh alright see ya" Naruto walk out the door

"But it wouldn't hurt to observe you. I mean I want to be accepted too. Alrighty, I'm coming along. It might be fun and I love a good chase." You said walking out the door with Naruto waiting

Minutes later... Shinobi chased Naruto and you around the village.

"Get back here, Uzumaki's!" A shinobi yelled

"Are they sure their shinobi's? Because they couldn't keep up with 12-year-olds and I'm not even at my top speed. Yet." You said to Naruto

We disguised ourselves as a fence and laughed at their stupidity.

"They are so dumb. When we're together, we can do anything." Naruto said we fist-bumped.

"Oh yeah, Uzumaki's!" Iruka yelled from behind us

"Iruka-sensei, how's it going?" You asked in a nervous tone

"What are you doing here?" Naruto yelled

"No what are you twins doing here? You're supposed to be in class." Iruka-sensei tied us up in rope and dragged us to class


---Iruka class---
"I'm at my rope with you Uzumaki's. You failed the graduation exams. This time you have a chance and you failing this one too."

"What's the point of doing something when we're gonna fail," you said

Naruto just looked away and grunted.

"Okay, since you both miss class everyone has to redo the transformation jutsu," Iruka-sensei said

Everyone groaned.

~One by one people came up until it was Sakura~
"Alright, Sakura here let's do this. Transform" Sakura transformed into a perfect Iruka-sensei

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