Hospital Besieged: The Evil Hand Revealed

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You were in front of Kurama's cage.

"You need to stop doing this to yourself, Kid."

"I know, I know. Don't overdo it." You repeated and sighed up at Kurama

"I feel something ominous occurring our way. I bet it's that redhead kid." Kurama sneered

"You mean, Gaara? What's he doing here? It doesn't make any sense. He can't get injured or hurt because of his sand protection, he displayed in the Chunin exams. But I guess he could get sick." You said thinking about it

"You have to be alert now. Something's wrong with him." Kurama drifted off back to sleep

"Will do! Thanks. Sleep well." You smiled


You opened your eyes to witness Naruto's breakdown.
"3 DAYS STRAIGHT?" Naruto spring up from his bed angrily

"Uh, yeah. More or less." Shikamaru sitting down

"Shikamaru, when's the final competition begin?" Naruto shouted

"Uh... Tomorrow." Shikamaru answered concern

"What?" Naruto jumped out of bed looking for his clothes

"[Growls] Are you crazy? Why the heck didn't you wake us up sooner? We can't be lying around here at a time like this. I've got to be getting ready. And Pervy Sage. Where's Pervy Sage? That old coot's supposed to be supervising us with our training!" Naruto yelled
"Hey, calm down, kid. Get a grip. I don't know what your talking about." Shikamaru said

"Naruto! Take it easy." You tried to calm him down

"Sis. How could you be this calm? We have to keep getting ready. Where's are my clothes? I've got to get dressed! Where'd they put them? Where are my clothes?" Naruto rifled everywhere looking for his clothes.

You pinched his ear, he settled down immediately.

"Now, listen. You don't wanna be freaking out the day before a big competition. Resting can be the best thing." Shikamaru said

Naruto plopped down on the bed bushed out.

"Huh? Are you okay? Is something wrong?" Shikamaru asked worried for you two.

It's kinda cool that he cared.
"Yeah. I'm really starving." Naruto said his stomach growling
"Is that all? Man, stop scaring me like that. Oh, look at this." He brought up a basket filled with fruits; my snack.
"Cool. Thanks, Shikamaru." You said grabbing an apple and biting down.
"I went to all the trouble of getting this stuff for Choji, and then the doctors told me he couldn't have it. Such a drag. But at least we can eat it." Shikamaru said

"Choji? You mean, he's here in the hospital too?" Naruto questioned
"I bet you he's probably here for a bad stomachache or something." You deduced
"You got it. It's nothing to worry about, he had one short rib too many." Shikamaru said

Naruto burst into laughing.
"I should've figured. That's just like him." He said
"Yeah. Well, you two are just lucky I'm around, or you wouldn't have any visitors." Shikamaru throws an apple at Naruto
"Oh, wow. This looks delicious." Naruto smirked and was about to take a bite when he stopped.
"What? What is it now?" Shikamaru said
"Let's eat it in front of Choji, it'll drive him crazy."
"Man, that's mean. I like it." Shikamaru smirked

You got out of bed and started walking down the hallway to Choji's room. Everything was so quiet, it's eerie. Where are all the nurses?

"Where is everybody?" You asked
"They all went out on a lunch break." Shikamaru answered, all you could hear is the sound of your steps echoing across the hall.

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