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some context to avoid confusion: clair de lune is a song by claude debussy, its a song played on piano and imo sounds so cute lol, so just to clarify clair de lune is a SONG, so when sunghoon plays clair de lune, it's him playing the song on piano

JUNE 3RD 2016

It was peak summer season, the sky was constantly blue, windows in the classrooms open to let in the fresh air, the sun never stopped shining.

It was one of the best times in my life.

I went to a good school, had good friends, was decently popular. I had no issues with life, none at all. I really couldn't complain.

Turning sixteen felt revolutionary, two years away from complete freedom, legality, everything - you name it. You were no longer treated like a stupid kid who made silly decisions, but moreover, an almost-adult with responsibilities and a little more freedom.

"Hey! Eunseo! Sunghoon is looking for you!!" One of the girls ran past me, shouting as she made her way down the corridor.

I nodded, making my way towards Sunghoon's locker.

Everybody knew me and Sunghoon were best friends. Not a single soul didn't know this fact.

Whenever he wasn't in school, teachers would always ask me where he was, and vice versa. We were somehow, one of the greatest duos in the school.

It was rather random, our acquaintance. I certainly didn't expect it'd bring such a close friendship.

When ten year old me pushed a kid, who refused to move, off the slide just so the boy queuing behind him could go down, I did not expect that he would essentially change my life.

But here I am now - and I don't find myself complaining one bit.

I made my way to his locker, already seeing him leaning on the door of his locker, crossed arms and a bloody lip.

I rolled my eyes, giving a slight groan.

"Really Sunghoon?" I shook my head as his lips curved into a smile.

"Hey, you should've seen the other guy." He chuckled, looking down at me with a smile.

"How do your parents even let you box still, seeing you come back all beaten and bruised." I gave a light smile, slanging my bag off my shoulder and digging to find that small box of medicinal items I always carry around me.

Solely for the sake of Sunghoon for the past two years.

"They're glad I'm just not beating up other kids and turning into a delinquent. Boxing is a sport, they can't complain." Sunghoon gave a smug chuckle, watching me pull out the alcohol wipes and a small plaster.

I dabbed it on his lip, the blood coming off. I was basically like his little pocket nurse, every time he had a bruise, or a cut, or had an injury somewhere - he'd come to me so that I'd help him.

After I finished putting the plaster on his lip, I took his hand, placing the trash in his hands and staring him down.

"You're gonna have to reimburse me for all my first aid things, I think you've used like most of it." I rolled my eyes playfully, walking down the corridor beside him as he gave a brief laugh.

"When I'm rich and successful, I'll be sure to come to your house and give you all the first aid kits you need." Sunghoon put his arm around my shoulder, walking through the middle of the corridor.

Eyes attracted towards us like magnets, most people thought we were dating from how close we were - but despite our touchiness and playfulness, nope. Not at all.

We weren't dating even though I wish we were.

His parents were pretty strict on this 'no dating policy' and although they loved me, and frequently asked about me, I didn't want to provoke them and cause a mishap between us.

I also was pretty convinced that they wanted him to marry a girl with status, considering his family wealth and background.

And my family had little to no status.

"I can't believe it's almost summer break. Have you applied to your colleges yet? Which ones Sunghoon? Come on!! Tell me." I eagerly pestered him, looking up at him with dazzling eyes.

He gave a short chuckle, looking down at me and intently staring at me with his beautiful face. My smile lightly faded, feeling a slight bit flustered from his gaze.

"Oh come on, you know, the one that you applied to." Sunghoon gave an unsure smile, facing the front again.

"Mhm, okay, if I don't see you there Sunghoon, best believe I'm coming to your house and boxing you up myself." I threatened him jokingly.

He gave a short moment of laughter as we made it to our next class. There were barely any days left of school, so classes were completely pointless, and all we did most of the time was talk, play games, or just do absolutely nothing.

It was the best part about the end of year. We did nothing, exams were over, summer was going to last another two months, and I could just feel the summer joy radiating in my bones every day.

Spending the entire summer with Sunghoon was going to feel like a complete dream.

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