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Sunghoon took me to his place, it was a beautiful penthouse. Very modern, renovated and actually took the words out of my mouth when I first walked inside.

It was one of the best places I've ever seen in my life. The view he had? The interior? The huge space?

Goddamn, I'd be eager to get home every single day, it surprised me that he was barely here.

"Make yourself at home." Sunghoon walked into his room to get changed, I looked around, my feet were inclined to step onto his balcony. His walls were practically all glass, having this huge view of Seoul, but too, he had a balcony.

I stood outside, my hair flowing in the blowing wind as my eyes lit up over the sight of Seoul. The many golden lights flickering and dimming, wow, the world is huge when you look at it from this perspective.

"This is my favourite spot too." Sunghoon appeared from beside me, wearing sweatpants and a hoodie. He leant on the railing as did I, just staring out into the dark sky.

"I can't believe you live here, I'd be home everyday." I was honestly speechless, I couldn't describe in words the picturesque view here.

It almost didn't feel real to me.

"It gets lonely." Sunghoon softly spoke, and I glanced to look over at him, his hood up and staring out still, not looking at me.

"Is that why you prefer staying at your company instead?" I asked him, it seemed as if he became more prone to opening up during the night like this.

"I'm not sure, I'm just consumed with work that I don't think about being alone. I suppose it takes my mind off things." He shrugged, exhaling deeply.

"Just how sleep deprived are you, that is the saddest thing I've heard ever come from you." I gave a pitiful chuckle as he gave a gentle smile.

"Oh trust me, I know." Followed by a sigh, "You know, I'm actually really sorry for leaving you for so long."

I stared at him, his side profile was so beautiful, that mole near his nose, everything about him was just so wow.

"Wow, only apologising now, but it's fine, I'll take it I guess." I rolled my eyes playfully, joking with him.

"Hey, if it'll make you feel any better, I missed you." Sunghoon spoke, and the three words he said at the end, made my heart stand at my throat, I could feel it pulsate rapidly in my body, any more of his little cute words and I'll be throwing myself off the balcony.

"Why did you leave anyways? And why couldn't you tell me?" I looked out onto the view of Seoul, giving a sigh at this sentimental conversation.

"It was a family issue, we had to move because of my father's company expanding away, I didn't want to tell you because I felt as if you'd wait for me, and I had no idea when I'd come back, so I thought it be better if I just went without a word, then you could forget about me." Sunghoon explained and I just looked at him explain why he did what he had to.

I couldn't help but feel bad for him, I had no hatred for him in the first place anyways, but his words just made me feel bad, I felt actual pain in my heart.

"You know, I actually almost did forget you, it took me a good few years, but I only forgot about you from the start of this year, and then you came out of nowhere - now look where we are." I gave a soft laugh as Sunghoon did the same.

"I'd say it's fate." Sunghoon had the last word before he walked inside, leaving me with that same beating of my heart.

Damn it, jumping of the balcony is looking more enticing by the second.

He walked over to his bedroom, and I just followed along. He sat on the edge and pulled something from his bedside table, I sat beside him on his bed, peering over his shoulder as he leant on his headboard.

"Oh? You actually got it printed out?" I looked at the picture frame of me and him from years ago, the exact picture from valentines day that he was looking at in my house.

"Come on, how could I not, who is this handsome fella." He pointed to himself, to which I just glared at him, acting as if he wasn't handsome.


We looked over a few memories, talked a little, and Sunghoon actually ended up falling asleep, in his own bed surprisingly. And people said that he didn't sleep.

He was in a deep state of sleep, his head resting gently on my shoulder with little to no worries. I could just tell that he needed this sleep, damn, I wonder how long it's been since he had such a rest like this.

I didn't want to move, one, because I didn't want to wake Sunghoon up, and two, I didn't want to leave.

I began to come to terms with myself, that I had never stopped loving Sunghoon.

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