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I ended up finishing extremely late, I was one of the last people leaving the building unfortunately.

"Eunseo! Are you in tomorrow?" Mr Jang stopped by my desk, looking over at me.

Thankfully, I booked two days off, a very much needed break for both my head and my feet.

"No. I'm off for two days." I gave a small smile, packing my stuff as he frowned in disappointment.

"Ah.. really? I'm gonna be left alone with tons of work." He groaned, looking to the ground and back up at me with hopeful eyes.

Do not even offer me to give up my days off tomorrow.

"How about you take the days off the week after?" He smiled as I pressed my lips together tightly.

"I can't do that, apologies sir." I gave him a slight bow along with a light smile. He had a bummed look on his face, but regardless, he said his goodbye's and head off out of the office.

Now it was just me in here.

I gave a large groan, how on earth could he even think of that? There's no way I'd wait until next week to catch a break, I've been counting all the days down just for this break.

"Wow, I should really find a new job." I shook my head, talking to myself as I finally finished putting all my stuff together.

I head out of the office, my heels killing the back of my feet completely, I don't think they'd ever be the same. After working in such a job for so long, the damage done by heels was completely irreparable.

I sighed, heading my way out into the quite, cool and chilly air. It was dark outside, and very late for that matter.

As I made my way towards the car park, a man in a grey suit ran quickly towards me, evidently shouting my name in urgency.

I looked over at him, his circular glasses, messy hair and panic in his face making him seem very amateur and clumsy.

"Choi Eunseo? Choi Eunseo, right?!" He panted, finally stood in front of me as I stared at him in confusion.

I looked at his face as he caught his breath, utterly exhausted.

"Oh? Hey.. it's you.. Min Joohyuk. You're..." His face was easily recognisable.

"Yes. Sunghoon's secretary." He cleared his throat, fixing his blazer jacket and staring at me with a bit more professionalism.

I gave him an unsure smile, wondering what his secretary was doing here, outside my company building, at this time and with such demand.

"Uh, how can I.. help?" I looked around, wondering if the main culprit who probably sent this poor guy over here was nearby.

"Sunghoon told me to bring this to you." Joohyuk scrambled to hand me a folder, it was sealed and seemed rather light.

"Uh, is that all? Could he not of given this to me himself?" I chuckled, absolutely in disbelief.

"You see, he's quite busy. He rarely even sleeps... I think anyways." Joohyuk scratched the back of his head, I looked up at him, a little concerned over what he just told me.

But as I realised that this was about Sunghoon, any concern about his health completely dissipated into the surrounding air.

"What is it?" I asked, shaking the sealed folder, and Joohyuk simply cleared his throat, starting to walk off. I made my way beside him, unfortunately my heels stripping the back of my feet even more.

I couldn't catch a break, could I.

"Open it, and you will see." He gave a light smile, to which I was initially suspicious about.

I was entirely suspicious about this whole ordeal anyways, what normal person just waits til someone finished work to hand them an envelope?

I teared the top of the seal off, sliding out the piece of paper inside. As my eyes scanned the first initial, bold letters of the page, I gave an inaudible groan to myself, this guy was not serious.


I didn't bother reading the rest of the page, the title was simply enough for me.

"Park Pharmaceuticals have a lot of good benefits, we don't exhaust employees, nor make them run pointless errands endlessly, breaks are heavily advised and the role you have, is the role you will do." Joohyuk started explaining as if I even wanted to join.

"Park Pharmaceuticals don't make employees run pointless errands, yet you're here?" I scoffed to myself, holding the paper in my hands as I crossed my arms.

This was such a low move Sunghoon, I rolled my eyes, just thinking at how he must be so excited to hear my response. Oh, just wait til he hears this reply of mine.

Joohyuk looked over at me, stunned for words. He fixed his round glasses and cleared his throat.

"Well- In the sense that, we don't make employees do jobs that aren't necessary." Joohyuk tried correcting himself, however, to me it seemed like his own words were contradicting himself, "Sunghoon is quite picky on employees close to him, so for him to scout you as his own personal secretary, that's pretty much an honour."

I gave a light laugh to myself, just thinking of the words Joohyuk said, somehow he was making this contract look less likeable by the seconds.

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