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"Why do I care? What is wrong with you?" I walked beside him, he was walking quite quickly around, and it was tiring me out waaay too much.

I literally came out the hospital not so long ago, and still, my sleep pattern hasn't returned to normal and nor did my eating habits.

Jesus christ, was he trying to kill me?

He turned his head briefly to look at me, his eyes sharp and callous as they gazed down at me. His lips were pressed into an annoyed pout, a very small pout but you could still tell he was irritated by something.

"Are you just going to ignore me???" I looked at him, so very confused to what this sudden attitude switch was all about.

He didn't respond at all, just instead, kept walking around the department extremely quickly and rushed, he did a little task there, walked over, then did another one over there, and so on.

At one point, I thought I was seriously going to lose my breath and lose balance.

I leant on the receptionist's desk, regaining my balance and breath, damn, my body was so weak nowadays.

Sunghoon was speaking to the receptionists, and it was evident that they liked him, the way she spoke, the voice of hers and the gaze in her eyes - it was all brutally obvious.

"Have you received the report Jihye?" Sunghoon called her by her name - damn, and he's on first-name basis with his colleagues too?

I tried my best to seem nonchalant, but I was just so endorsed into this conversation and the way her body language spoke volumes on how she felt about him.

"Oops! I'm so sorry sir, I completely forgot, ah, I'm such an idiot." She gave a small pout, gently tapping herself in the head.

"It's Sunghoon, and it's alright. Just have it by the end of this week, alright Jihye?" He corrected her, giving a sigh, but despite her bubbly and radiant tone of voice, his cold one completely contrasted hers.

"Aw! Thank you so much Sunghoon, you really are an amazing boss." She cheered, her smile reaching ear to ear.

He didn't say anything else, just turned around, and back to it he went again, his heartless aura drawn around him.

Sunghoon walked over to the elevators, and the special elevator seemed to have some maintenance doing to it, therefore he pressed the button to the normal elevator - the one which every employee took.

As it opened, a swarm of people swooned towards the elevator, not even letting me step in, and as the doors closed, I realised that I was completely left behind.

Okay, what the hell?

If this was what Sunghoon intended for me to have as a first impression - then I could say that it wasn't giving me a good impression.

Reluctantly, I was left with the one and only choice, the mass flight of stairs beside the elevator. I honestly wish it didn't have to end up like this - but the elevator would take ages to get back up here, especially with the huge amounts of people inside, heading to different floors.

I made my way to the stairs, and looking down, I could just tell it'd be hell for me - but hey, at least I'm not walking up them. It always could be worse.

And besides, I wasn't wearing heels too, so, it's not as bad as it could be.

However, around five flights of stairs down, I realised that I had a long ass way to go in order to reach the bottom floor, and I could already feel my chest tightening from the strain of running down the stairs in such a hurry.

A girl couldn't catch a break even if she tried. Maybe I should just stop working completely.

After running down ten flights of stairs, I still had about forty to go, I stopped, clutching my hand on the left side of my shirt, feeling my heart begin to squeeze and contract painfully.

Once again, the familiar dizziness began to return, it seemed as if it was going to be a quite common visitor if I continued working like a fucking dog.

I leant gently on the railing, trying to calm my breathing and thus, calm my heartbeat down a little - but I actually wasn't sure if it was working.

I shut my eyes for a little second, I hated feeling dizzy, and I hated feeling exhausted, I wish I could just live normally somedays.

The swinging of a door opening from behind me caused me to open my eyes, and swing my body to face the person who had just barged into the stairwell.

Through the speckles of black that was in my vision, I could see a panting Sunghoon, rush over to me with desperacy - wow okay, where was this attitude before?

"Hey, Eunseo, is everything okay? Eunseo??" He held me in his arms as I just flailed, my body completely gave up once more, damn it, seemed like my own body couldn't cooperate with me anymore.

He tapped my face gently, supporting me as he caught his breath, my neck no longer had support, and for a little while, my vision had gone black.

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