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The doors of the elevator pinged open, and we were down to the ground floor.

To my surprise, Joohyuk didn't join us today. Normally he'd join us for things like these, meetings and whatnot, to be honest, he was more of a secretary than I was.

I felt bad for the guy, but he didn't seem to mind so much - after all, Sunghoon and him are pretty close so I suppose it's like hanging with your best friend.

Sunghoon opened the door to his car for me, I sat down, still confused to where we could be possibly going without Joohyuk.

He sat in the other side, starting the car without a word and heading off briefly.

"So you won't give me a hint, nothing at all?" I looked over at him as he rest his fingertips of one hand on his jaw.

"What's there to hint about? I told you, we're going for a meeting." Sunghoon chuckled, but in that chuckle I just knew he was hiding something.

This guy could not hide secrets for shit.

"Without Joohyuk? Since when." I scoffed, looking out of the window, perhaps by looking of which route we were taking, I could deduce what we were doing or where we were going.

But no, we disappeared away from the surroundings that I was familiar with shortly afterwards. We were heading somewhere outside of Seoul, it seemed like.

"What, you have attachment issues to Joohyuk? Jesus, shame, all you do is throw glares at me and give me attitude." Sunghoon rolled his eyes playfully, a smug smile peering out of his lips.

He truly didn't mind me.

I turned my head to glare at him, maybe he was right, I did throw a lot of glares at him. But - well deserved.

"Attachment issues to Joohyuk? I should be saying that to you, I'm surprised whenever he tags along that I'm not the one sat in the backseat." I crossed my arms, giving a slight pout and looking out of the window.

"Damn I should've never opened my mouth." Sunghoon muttered, purposefully loud enough so that I could hear his words.

I shot my head to look at him, he was so amused with teasing me that it was unbelievable. The smile on his face? Dangerous.

"Jesus, you suck." I muttered to myself, rolling my eyes and glancing out of the window again, a smile peering onto the corners of my lips.

"I love you too." Sunghoon chuckled, continuing to drive.


Eventually, we made it to a rural village in god fucking knows where, all I knew was that we were quite some distance away from home.

I walked beside Sunghoon as he looked around, then checked his phone.

"Where the hell are we." I looked around, don't get me wrong, it wasn't bad, the entire place was beautiful, everything here was much different than Seoul.

But I had no idea what businessman was living in such a rural place, maybe a humble one? That's a surprise.

"Business." He had a wide smile on his face, then proceeded to place his arm around me and continue strolling around the paths.

Passersby looked over at us, staring even, considering our professional outfits compared to their casual ones, I wouldn't be surprised they were gawping.

There were a lot of elderly people here, and in general, the vibe seemed friendly.

"You are insufferable Sunghoon." I chuckled, looking around as he gave a light smile.

"You'll understand it all later, there's no point of asking questions when I won't answer them." Sunghoon stopped by a stall, selling some pastries with red bean filling.

He glanced over at me, pulling out his wallet. Yeah, that's what I thought.

"What do you want?" He inquired, looking at the menu.

"Look at you, spoiling me." I gave a small laugh to myself, looking across the menu, "The classic one." 

We both received fish shaped pastry, it was quite hot, and before I could even take a bite, I had to blow on it too many times.

And so we were here, in business attire, eating fish-shaped pastry. Sunghoon looked over at me, thoroughly enjoying his pastry.

He glanced at my pastry, and instead of taking a bite out of his own, he took the biggest, largest bite he possibly could, of mine.

I glanced as a chunk of my pastry disappeared in front of my own eyes. He gave a laugh, mouth full as he chewed.

"Sunghoon, I'll give you three seconds to run." I stared at him, a small smile seeping from my lips as he chuckled, still struggling to chew the entire thing in his mouth.

But he began running, and not even fully counting to three, I began chasing after him.

So here we were, acting like stupid kids, chasing each other over a silly pastry.

The guy was too fast for me, unfortunately, I didn't manage to catch him, but he came to a stop eventually. I stopped, catching my breath, surely my food was less hot now.

"We're here." He chuckled, pointing over to a small library, hidden obscurely into a row of houses.

p.sunghoon → clair de luneWhere stories live. Discover now