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"EUNSEOOO!" My boss yelled for me from his office. The way he called my name distinctively reminded me of my teenage years, how a significant someone used to say it just like that too.

I gave a sigh, stepping from my desk and heading over to his office, my heels clicking as I walked over to his office.

I opened the door lightly, giving a small smile as he looked at me.

"Yes? What is it?" I asked him, waiting for a reply.

He cleared his throat, beckoning me to come closer as he looked at some papers on his desk. I approached him, wondering what the issue was.

"Alright so, our stocks have risen, and many more cooperates are investing into our company. You know the best how our company works, since you've been here near enough the same time as me." He showed me some papers, pointing to some statistics.

"Yes, so?" I inquired politely, wondering what he was getting at - was he resigning by any chance?

I had many issues with him, which grew into more each day, he was a horrible CEO, and I had so many issues being his secretary, if that's what you could even describe my job role as.

"I've found a completely foolproof way of boosting our sales and website clicks. Look." He took out a document, placing a piece of paper facing my way and pointing to the name of the company, "Park Pharmaceuticals, this company is on top of all the companies you could say, now, we actually manufacture some of the stuff they need."

I looked up at him, liking the way this was going already.

"I figured, that if we manage a cooperation deal together, this will ultimately not only boost Park Pharmaceuticals up even higher, but us too. We'll be on there with that company too - being next to such a big name will be extremely beneficial for us." My boss looked at me with a smile as I returned one back, nodding my head.

"Do you need me to schedule a meeting with the CEO of Park Pharmaceuticals, is that what you're asking me to do?" I chuckled, looking at his face brighten.

"You know me so well Choi Eunseo! Ah, you are indeed the best secretary in the history of secretaries." He pointed at me with a grin, "A bonus will definitely be heading your way!"

I gave a light, humble smile, giving him a bow.

"I'll get right on it sir." I followed that by leaving, heading to my own office and heaving a huge sigh.

Sometimes being a secretary was a complete burn out, it was easy one day, and then for the next three days it was complete hell - running around making phone calls, deals, checking statistics, arguing with other oppositions, and so much more.

I had no idea how I was even finding the energy for these things.

Nonetheless, I searched up the company, looking through reviews just out of plain boredom. It all was just so good, the entire company was solid, it was on top of the markets and the demand to work there was so high.

Damn, whoever ran this company must be a fucking genius.

Oh - and a billionaire, not to forget.

I chuckled, clicking onto the website and just casually looking through the website itself, maybe I could see who was the actual CEO. But despite my search, there wasn't much on the CEO except from a silly little quote plastered on the front of the website.

Finding defeat, I dialed for the secretary of the company so they could forward my message to the CEO of the company.

It took a few rings, but eventually, a voice picked up.

"Hello, Park Pharmaceuticals, you are in contact with Secretary Min, please forward your message and I will relay to the CEO." Finally, they picked up.

I quietly cleared my throat, getting ready for my secretary voice.

"Good afternoon, my name is Choi Eunseo of Jang Production and Manufacturing, secretary of Mr Jang. I'm giving a call as CEO Jang would like to schedule a meeting with the CEO of Park Pharmaceuticals in order to discuss possible collaboration plans for the future." I gave a sweet voice, as if I was so content with my life.

There was a slight pause at the other end.

"Ah! CEO Jang! Yes, indeed, CEO Park had mentioned him - alright - I can get that scheduled for you, please hang on for a minute." He told me, and I was a little astounded to how easy that was, considering the demand for that company.

"Would a week from today be alright? Let's say around.. hm, 1:30pm?" He inquired, and I checked the schedule of Mr Jang, thankfully, it aligned.

"Yes, that'd be great. So, 1:30pm next week." I repeat, just to ensure.

"Yes, that's correct. At the Park Building, there should be workers waiting for you upon entry." He explained, and I nodded my head, as if he could see that.

"Alright, thank you, see you next week then." I ended the call at that, writing down the plan in my calendar and heading over to Mr Jang's office.

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