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Waking up, a smile gradually appeared on my face. To say I was well rested - was to say the least. I was completely recharged, as if I had just hibernated for months on end.

I looked around, the sky was a brilliant blue, sun high in the sky and shining brightly. There was an empty space beside me, an obvious imprint lightly indented into the bedsheet, meaning somebody else slept beside me.

Was she still here?

It was awfully quiet for Eunseo, if she was here even. I'd be pretty happy if she still was here, just hanging around as if she lived with me too.

A guy can dream.

I walked into my bathroom, staring at my face, my lips were all puffy, and then my eyes darted to my forehead.

I gave a chuckle to myself, I have no idea how I didn't give myself away that I was awake when she kissed my forehead. I thought it was obvious - but maybe I'm just that good.

It was the first time I've had a good sleep, the first time I think I've ever slept in my bedroom in so long anyways.

And it was all because Eunseo was with me - if that doesn't say something, I don't know what will.

I gave a small smiling, just thinking about her. It sucked that she wasn't budging with that grudge of hers when I'm awake, but I suppose that little action told me enough.

I walked out of my bathroom, heading out of my room and into the main area of my house. It was so silent, the lights were all off, no music, or talking or walking.

I walked over to the front door, looking at the shoe rack, her shoes were gone.

I gave a disappointed sigh, the smile that was once on my face fading away. Damn, I just can't keep her for longer than a few hours, can I?

I shook my head, regardless of my disappointment and sadness, I showered and changed into some different clothes.

It was some time in the afternoon, that's how long I slept for. And the office was closed today, so I had basically a free schedule today - but as much as I loved having free schedules, it felt quite empty and quiet.

So, I did the most rational thing I could think off, and leave my house, heading to the parking lot storeys and choosing my car for the day.

I know fine well she'll be home, there's no way she won't be. What else will Eunseo do? She's got absolutely no social life.

I chuckled to myself, starting the car and heading towards the direction of her house. I just naturally memorised the route at this point, I've been there so many times that it's just muscle memory.

I parked beside her house, stepping out and heading towards her door. Again, it was pretty quiet, I mean, I know you can't hear much from the outside of someone's house, but it's Eunseo, that girl is seriously something.

I raised my hand to knock, and a few seconds later, again.

But nobody answered, not even the movement of footsteps, or a voice shouting me to leave. Nothing.

After trying again, I gave up, giving a groan. Really? What the hell was she doing on this specific day?

I reached for my phone, feeling irritated by this. But, instead of bothering her like I usually do, I just texted Joohyuk.

sunghoon: you free?

joohyuk: hell yea whats up s?

sunghoon: lets go for drinks

joohyuk: bro its 3pm

joohyuk: isnt your schedule full?

sunghoon: hell no

sunghoon: yes or no

joohyuk: aight but youre paying

I gave a small smile to myself, I had no problem with paying, so there was no point of even mentioning that - but hey - least I'm going for drinks now.

In defeat, I head back to my car, driving towards Joohyuk's place for a change. Wow, Eunseo should be sat in the passenger's seat right now, and I should be teasing her, but instead, it's Joohyuk.

Which to clarify, isn't a problem - but I just wanted Eunseo with me.

"What's up with you?" Joohyuk read the expression from my face, I was just staring forward as I drove, jaw clenched and a stoic vibe written all over me.

"Nothing, why?" I responded, was it that obvious?

Joohyuk leered at me for a bit, I just saw him observe my face in great detail from my peripheral. I cracked a light smile at him.

"You're on edge today, since when do you ever go out for drinks in the early afternoon - besides, I thought you had shit to do." Joohyuk groaned, placing his arms around the headrest in the car.

"Not today, besides, I don't see why you're complaining. It's free drinks Joohyuk." I chuckled lowly, heading into a luxury bar that me and Joohyuk always used to go to.

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