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He grabbed his keys from his desk, pacing quickly towards me and opening the door for me. I stepped out of his office, him walking beside me as his receptionist's gawped at what was going on.

Yeah? You wanna say that I can't come in there without an appointment again? Okay, sure, go for it.

I flashed them a smile as I passed by them, heading to the elevator which had been fixed. He stepped into the elevator after I did, pressing the button for the ground floor.

I turned to look at myself in the mirror of the elevator, the collar of my blouse was slightly upturned again - and I wondered if Sunghoon would fix it for me again, or maybe he wouldn't. Who knows, that guy is strange.

I stared at myself in the mirror, fixing my hair ever so slightly, of course, Sunghoon glanced a few times, probably thinking he's sneaky, but truthfully, I could see every time his eyes dart over to look at me.

I didn't fix my collar, and just turned around and waited for the elevator doors to open.

Sunghoon gave a small sigh.

"How does your collar manage to always do this?" He did exactly what I wanted him to.

Sunghoon moved closer to me, closer than usual, and he looked down at me, the same time I looked up at him. A brief moment of pretty charismatic eye contact - and then his hands made their way on my collar, fixing the very minor uniform problem for longer than needed.

"It just happens." I chuckled as he fixed it for me, and then proceeded to go on his phone.

"I bet you do it on purpose, just so I fix it for you." Sunghoon chuckled, that cold aura of his ever so slowly dissipating.

I glared at him, although he was quite right, I'm still gonna deny.

"Uh, no way, Joohyuk fixed my collar earlier today, you aren't special." I completely lied to him, just because, I wanted to see how he'd react.

I'm sorry Joohyuk, this might actually just cost you your job.

Sunghoon turned to look at me, his eyes meeting mine, and for a second, he had something in mind. But instead of acting upon it, he slid his phone in his pocket and faced forward, jaw clenching, defining his already sharp jawline - even more.

Oh he was pissed.

The doors pinged open, and the two of us stepped out, eyes all over us as we both walked out of the building and towards his car that was parked directly outside of his building - his own little special, reserved spot.



After work, it was pretty silent, nothing ever since Sunghoon dropped me off - which was quite a surprise, and strangely enough, I found myself very, very bored.

I was so bored that I ended up willingly doing tedious chores that I held off for days. If that doesn't describe how bored I was, then I don't even know.

Finally, a form of entertainment reached my way, a text message.

It was from an unknown number, but that unknown number became known as soon as I read the text message.

unknown number: hey! eunseo right? its me, joohyuk, are you busy?

I furrowed my eyebrows softly, wondering what was going on and how he even found my number in the first place.

eunseo: oh hey joohyuk!!! im not busy, whats up?

joohyuk: well theres a little thing im concerned about

joohyuk: would it be possible for you to come over to the workplace real quick?

joohyuk: you dont need to change or anything just come

eunseo: uhhhh sure i guess

eunseo: anything in specific youre concerned about??

joohyuk: ill explain when you get here cause it'll sound weird over text

Without even a second thought, I stood up and head straight for my car. I didn't care that I was in an informal outfit, it was cute and comfortable and besides - Joohyuk said I didn't need to change, so I wasn't going to.

I was a little confused to why he needed me at the workplace at 11pm, everyone would have left by now, or most people would've.

I head over to the company building, rushing over to the entrance and into the lobby, where I immediately spot Joohyuk.

I came up to him, wondering what he wanted that was so urgent.

"Oh! Eunseo, you're here, great, let me take you to my office because I'm a bit wary of people around here." Joohyuk seemed as if he was going to tell me some seriously bad news.

But regardless of the nerves bundling up in my body, we made it to his office, and I sat down opposite him as he leant on his desk, arms folded.

"Sunghoon left the workplace a while ago, then as I was down in the lobby, he came in, bloody lip and a cut on his cheek." Joohyuk started, and my heart immediately dropped over hearing this.

"How long was he gone for?" I inquired, softly knitting my brows together at this news.

"I'm not sure, maybe like three-four hours? It's just weird though, this rarely ever happens, like rarely." Joohyuk mentioned again, and I looked up at him.

"It rarely happens but it happens?"

p.sunghoon → clair de luneWhere stories live. Discover now