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15TH JUNE 2016

Finally, the last day of being in this school.

It felt as if time had slipped by my fingers like silk, but regardless of all the precious and unforgettable memories made, I was going to continue them with the person that I had spent most of my life with anyways.

"EUUUUNSEOOOOOO" Sunghoon ran into my homeroom, calling for my name like a football chant.

Heads immediately turned to look at me, and from behind Sunghoon, who was stood at the door frame, other students peered into the room, wondering what was going on.

"Don't even tell me it's another busted lip, I will kill you." I warned him, packing my stuff in my bag and not quite looking at him yet.

His shadow made it's way over to the front of my desk, and he leant down, getting in my viewframe as I continued packing my stuff in.

He looked at me upwards from my desk, such a devious and mischievous grin printed on his lips.

"Nope! All clear." He let out a small giggle, to which I thought was pretty cute.

I smiled at him, he stood upright and looked at me.

"What is it then? Somebody won't move off the park slide?" I joked with him - a completely overused inside joke that I never failed to mention.

He stared at me, the once glitter in his eyes disappearing and leaving me with a dull and annoyed look on his face.

"You know, you pushed that kid so hard, he could've died." Sunghoon counteract my little joke, "Maybe we would've never been best friends cause you would've been spending the next ten years in jail."

I rolled my eyes with a smile.

"I simply pushed him down the slide, he had it coming for not wanting to move off. Besides, you looked like you were gonna cry." I jeered, mocking him and pretending to cry.

He rolled his eyes, emitting a groan from his lips as he grabbed my bag, running out of the room.

"HEY! SUNGHOON! GET BACK OVER HERE!!!" I yelled, the students looking at the scene that was happening.

I chased Sunghoon, who occasionally looked back with the brightest, sweetest smile ever, running for his life down some corridors of the school.

Students tried their best to follow us, obviously, many people had crushes on Sunghoon and seeing how close we were - always wondered if we would actually ever make it official.

I perhaps thought that maybe today was the day it'd happen. After all, it was the last day of high school, it was a warm summer, and Sunghoon would be going to the same college as me.

What better ending would there be than us finally becoming boyfriend-girlfriend for the new start in college?

I finally managed to find him, standing inside the music room, with the piano inside. I slid the door open, closing it beside me. Students leant on the wall, peering through the window as the two of us were just in this room, a single piano.

"Did you really have to run.. I'm not athletic, okay..?" I had my hands on my thighs, catching my breath as he just gave me a smug grin, tapping the seat of the piano for me to sit down.

I sat next to him, wondering what he was doing. He glanced over at me, a look in his eyes I couldn't read.

"There'd be no other way to get you in here quickly." He chuckled, his eyes trailing all over my face as I just looked at him, in pure confusion.

"Uh, okay, you're acting weird. And I do not like it." I raised a brow, actually thinking that my suspicions may be right, was he actually going to confess to me and play piano for me?

Everybody knew Sunghoon was the ultimate boyfriend material. Like come on, he's tall, has the face of a model, athletic, can play instruments, his family is rich and he's smart. How much better could it get?

"Pfft, alright, anyways, listen to this." He cleared his throat, his gentle fingers resting on the keys of the white piano.

He began playing a soft melody, one that was quite bittersweet but also pretty reminiscent. It was a tune that you just couldn't forget. The song was mellow, and although his talent never failed to amaze me, him playing this song was really just - a different experience.

There were girls, guys, plastered at the windows, just eagerly looking inside, probably wishing they were in my place right now. But no, it was me.

He finished playing, and looked at me, a gentle look in his eyes as he awaited my reply.

"Woah.. now I haven't heard that one before. It was so beautiful." I pressed my finger on the key of the piano.

"Clair de lune, it reminds me of times like these. You know, the end of the year, everybody is leaving, going separate directions and some of us might not even see each other again." Sunghoon began talking, and I just looked at him in bewilderment.

"Is everything okay at home? Why did you get so philosophical.. we're going to see each other during the summer, and in college too." I stared at him, blankly as he just gave a quiet chuckle to himself.

"Yeah.. I guess."

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