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I ran out of the car, embracing him in the tightest hug worldwide. He gave a grin, caressing my hair as he stared down at me.

"Sunghoon, what is going on." I chuckled, still staring into my eyes as he smiled brightly.

"You'll just have to wait and see, Choi Eunseo." Sunghoon laughed, taking my hand and walking me closer to the gate, that was still locked.

We stood before the locked gates, and I just stared at Sunghoon.

"There's no way I'm hopping fences, I'm in a skirt Sunghoon." I sighed, looking at the empty school trapped in the gates.

"Who said we had to hop fences?" He dug something out of his pocket, the jingle of keys.

He let go of my hand for a moment, unlocking the padlock to the main gate, and pulling the metal bars open, the school had actually opened. In a legal way.

My eyes were stuck onto Sunghoon, the wind caressed through his hair, and as he gazed over to me, a faint memory of our childhood reminisced back towards me.

His face had barely changed, and he was still the same sweet boy I had always knew. The smile on his lips, and the glow in his eyes - this Sunghoon, was my Sunghoon.

"Come on baby, we aren't trespassers no more." Sunghoon gave a small laugh, snapping me out of my haze. I held his hand once more as we made our way excitedly into the building.

We walked up to the second floor, and the wind blew through the classes gently, curtains daintily flourishing around classrooms.

A lazy sun beamed through one side of the building, a golden mist spilling out into each classroom. Even the scent, the smell of summer, a verdant aroma of freshly trimmed grass along with the salty scent of the sea surrounded me.

And now, I really felt as if I was sixteen once more, holding hands with my best friend, now boyfriend, Park Sunghoon.

Sunghoon turned his head to look back at me, the sunlight kissing his face. Holy shit, he was seriously beautiful.

He gave a smile, turning back round to face forward as he continued guiding me over to a place.

We stopped before a section of lockers, he pointed to a locker, and the one beside. I glanced over, and came to realisation that it was our lockers, the name tags and stickers still printed on them.

My lips subconsciously curved upwards, a euphoric grin, brimmed with nothing but joy, reaching my face.

"I used to keep my little medkits here, for your annoying ass." I opened the locker, and as expected, it was empty.

"You really did love it though." Sunghoon chuckled, opening his, "And here I used to store all the things I received for Valentine's day, so we could share later." 

My smile never dropped. Just looking over at all these little things in our life, seeing have such significant impact on us, made me feel just so happy.

I could feel the tears well in my eyes, not out of sadness or anything. The reminiscence of our past, this school, our uniforms, the aroma - everything was just how it used to be.

Or how I remember it.

Sunghoon looked over at me, giving a light smile as his palm rest on my cheek, the thumb of his hand wiping away the tears of joy.

"Don't cry Eunseo, you're supposed to save those for later." Sunghoon chuckled as I laughed at him wiping away my tears frantically.

With that, he grabbed my hand again, guiding me over to, none other than, the music room. The solitary white piano in the room, along with the open window letting in the summery breeze fill the room.

"I know you probably don't like this place because of me." Sunghoon began, sitting me down on the stool of the piano as he shared the other half with me, "But, just sit and wait."

His fingers trailed among the piano keys, and again, that familiar bittersweet tune emit from the piano, every note was so perfect, just like he played it for me years ago.

I just hoped that he would stay forever instead.

I tried to not cry, but the memories of this, seriously, it was just overwhelming.

He finished playing the song, and as he retract his hands, he grabbed mine in his. Sunghoon turned his head to look at me dreamily, the light whistle of the wind swirling around the room.

Sunghoon began talking softly, "I know that this song, this place, reminds you of a horrible time - so I want you remember from this day on, that I'm not leaving - ever. This song, me playing it here, in our uniforms, I want you to remember, that I'm no longer the stupid kid a few years ago, who didn't think about anyone but himself then, but instead; a man who will probably kill himself if you leave me."

I chuckled at the ending of his sentence, at this rate, tears were just flowing down my cheeks, my cheeks hurting from smiling so hard.

"Long overdue apology, but Eunseo, I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for what I did. I'm sorry, so fucking sorry. I know I apologised a while ago, but I don't think that changed anything then. So, I want you to know, I love you more than words can express, and that this song, Clair De Lune, symbolises our love - forever."

"Sunghoon, I forgave you ages ago, I love you too." I wrapped him in a hug, my face on his shoulder, tears wiping off onto the shirt of his uniform.

THE END (theres an epilogue)

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