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I took my hands off his face, swallowing hard and grabbing his arm, heading towards the elevator.

"What actually happened to you Sunghoon, if you don't tell me, I'll figure it out myself." My voice was softer than usual, I couldn't find it in me to be annoyed, or irritated at him.

Moreover, I couldn't find myself to hate him anymore at all recently.

"I'd like to see you figure it out yourself, I think it'd keep you busy for a while." Sunghoon chuckled lightly as I glared at him, seriously annoyed at these antics of his.

"Are you seriously gonna be like this?" I gave a disappointed sigh, the elevator reaching the ground floor.

I still took his arm in my hand, dragging him outside and onto the sidewalks. It was late at night, so not many stores aside from convenience stores were open.

We walked over to the convenience store nearby, and I walked towards the pharmaceutical aisle. I grabbed a box of ointment and a box of plasters, as I held them in my hands, about to pay, I chuckled looking at how life is literally replaying itself.

"Here, use this." He took out his card and held it up to me, I simply ignored it, paying for it with my own money.

Chivalry is clearly not dead.

He seemed a little bit annoyed that I didn't take his card, but regardless, he didn't comment on it.

I walked out with him after paying, and we sat down on a nearby bench above a streetlight.

"So, you aren't gonna tell me?" I inquired, my voice gentle as I unscrewed the cap of the ointment and squeezed a little bit onto my finger.

I dabbed it onto his cheekbone, massaging it in until it faded into his skin.

"Boxing." He actually responded, and that alone took me aback, I looked at him in the eyes, widened eyes.

He actually, seriously, really answered my question. Sunghoon gave a small smile at my reaction of him answering my question.

I continued with what I was doing though, placing a plaster on his cheekbone.

"You still box?" I asked him, at least it wasn't anything illegal.

I applied some more ointment on his lips, it made me feel a little wary, touching his lips, but either way, I did it anyways, trying to stay as cool and collected as possible.

"Sometimes, it's just a way to relieve anger and stress." Sunghoon gave a small sigh, looking up at the sky.

"Ah, so you were angry today then." I raised my eyebrows, with a light smile as he basically just admitted to being mad today.

He turned his head to look at me, his gaze dark. He didn't reply, but I could tell I was right.

"Sure." Sunghoon replied again, twice in a row, what a streak.

I had a grin on my face, just hearing him reply and answer to my questions like I wanted him to. It felt nice finally receiving non-vague answers.

"See, I would ask you why, but you're not gonna respond to that anyways. I'll take my two answered questions for today. Are you going home now?" I stood up as he did too, a little smile peering from his lips.

"No, I don't really go home, I just work, and now I have to go and pick up those papers you threw all over my floor." Sunghoon shook his head, I could just feel the smile wanting to come out of his lips right now.

"Oh come on, can't you do that tomorrow. Hey, how about you give me a house tour, just quickly." I had an idea in mind, as long as I could convince him to go home, it'd work, "You've been in my house, now it's my turn. I just wanna see how lavishly you live nowadays."

Sunghoon turned to look at me, a smug smile on his face.

"Oh really?" He raised a brow as I looked up at him, a gentle smile crossing my face.

"What? Are you gonna deny after I just helped you? Fine, I see how it is." I rolled my eyes, pretending to be offended by him.

"I never said I wasn't going to let you, if you insist, I'll take you there." He chuckled, clearly wanting to show me his house, I just knew he did, the way he didn't even fight back just told me everything.

I was excited on the inside, partially because my plan was bound to work, but also more time spent with Sunghoon.

It was so weird, and to think a while ago I was forcing him out of my house, shutting doors in his face and refusing to talk to him.

And now I want to be around him more often? Damn, my mother will be pissed if she sees me with him.

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