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I walked off, expecting Sunghoon to run to me and beg for me to not go, but to my own surprise, he didn't.

I was just going to literally walk to my workplace, in heels. Damn.

Eunseo, why do you need to be like this sometimes?

Regardless, I'm a very stubborn girl, so I refused to back down and instead, I just continued walking on the sidewalk.

A car came up beside me on the sidewalk, driving at the exact same pace as I was walking. He rolled the window down, staring at me with such an interested smile.

"Just get in, seriously Eunseo." Sunghoon chuckled at my pettiness, I looked at him, stopping.


"I'll get you in there myself if you refuse again. Remember, I don't take no for an answer." Sunghoon found my pettiness amusing.

"Looks like you're going to have to take my 'no' for an answer." I faced the front, continuing to walk with zero regrets at all.

He was silent, then the sound of a car door opening made me panic a little, making me increase the pace of my walk.

Do not even tell me he's coming after me.

But my suspicions were right, and I could feel his really assertive presence somewhat close to me. I made the mistake of looking behind me, and seeing his smile on his face, walking towards me with zero intent on leaving me alone.

"Wait wait no, waaaiiit." My smile peered out of my mouth as he came even closer to me.

I took it upon myself to start running, not even bothering that I was wearing heels, I tried my best to run as fast as I could, but with my significantly bothersome disadvantage, I had zero chance against him.

He situated his hands on my waist, holding me tightly and gazing into my eyes. I was laughing, he was laughing, and as I looked into his eyes and realised what was going on, my smile disappeared.

"Okay, let go, seriously." My tone was less playful, and I began to resume back into that coldness I always had with him.

"You asked for it." Sunghoon's voice was low as he stared into my eyes, not letting go.

"Alright fine, I'll get in, but just let go of me." I placed my hands over his, trying to free myself from his grasp, but it was no match.

"Pfft, as if I'd trust you, come on, let's go." With one swift movement, he threw me over his shoulder, taking me by surprise.

I was too much in shock to even fathom what was happening right now. He pulled my skirt down a little as he walked towards his car, and I just literally gave up, my body was frozen and I honestly could not even do anything to stop what was going on.

As we made it to his car, he placed me into the passenger's side, buckling me up as if I couldn't even do it myself.

"I hope you learn that I mean my words." He muttered before closing the door and heading over to his side.

The pounding at my heart was greater than anything I have ever experienced. It was insane, absolutely insane.

I pressed my lips together, trying to puzzle the pieces of what just happened together. I actually could not believe that had just happened - and not to just anyone - but to me.

Deeply, I exhaled quietly, trying to hide the fact I was clearly flustered and overwhelmed.

Sunghoon dialed for a number, really not even bothered about his actions just then. What? Was this completely normal for him?

"Joohyuk, arrange a meeting with Jang, quite urgently too." He spoke, and as I heard his words, I dart my head to look at him.

Shortly afterwards, the call ended and he glanced over at me.


"Why are you meeting with him?" I asked Sunghoon, a little concerned.

"Don't worry about it." He vaguely replied, to which I rolled my eyes.

"You're gonna complain to him, aren't you?" I crossed my arms, giving a light groan.

"The word isn't complain - more of threaten. You're being unfairly overworked." Sunghoon chuckled, and as much as he was a grace for that, I was still about nervous about Jang's reaction.

"You can't do that, Sunghoon seriously, he's going to kill me." I looked over at him, already feeling the hatred that Mr Jang will definitely direct towards me after he has this meeting.

Sunghoon turned his head to me, raising a brow at my worry.

"You're scared of him?" He inquired and I think the hopeless look in my face told him it all.

"Well.. not scared but it's just.." I tried to rephrase his words, a stupid attempt into trying to downplay my feelings.

"You're scared of Jang." Sunghoon said it straight, and there was no other way of really saying it. His grip on the wheel tightened slightly, and so did the clenching of his jaw.

"Well when you put it like that-" I tried to salvage the situation, stupid idea, again.

"I want you to hand in your resignation within this week." He suddenly commanded me, "I want you with me."

I looked over at him, the familiar beating of my heart coming back again.

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