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Iris pov

The track to the city of beasts was long but we made it. Female's and Males coward as we were lead to the Tiger king to state my business. The king looked at me with disbelief and disgust. "Why would a female take five Feral beastman? My dear did they force you are you being held against your will?" The king was about to call for his men when I told him no. I explained what happened in my village and that the snake beastman took me in. They found me and help me in my darkest hour. The tiger king didn't like my answer but gave us promotion to live in the city. We found a cute house to stay. We been here a week when I meet our neighbors. "Hi I'm Bai Qingqing I noticed you have snake males." She was way to happy. "Yes is that a problem?" I asked before noticing her mark. "You have one too I see." I really didn't like talking to this person. "Well I suppose we will see you at the bonfire tonight."  I nod so uncomfortable around her. She left and King came up to me  with a brush. "Let me help you get ready." He said with a warm smile. I honestly think I want to give King children first. He is attentive and doesn't force anything. I feel comfortable around him I think he knows it.

Time skip

We sat around the fire Salem peeling some peaches for me. "Thank you Salem you didn't have to do that for me." I said taking a few bites, after a few moments I stood up "I'll be back want to get some water."  They nod and say be careful. The water was cool a refreshing but funny thing about water it gose threw me. I find a male and ask him for direction to a bush of ditch. He pointed me in the direction. I thank him before running off.

No one's pov

"What a beautiful female." The wolf male said.  "I think she would welcome you." The male turned to the Ape king. "Five Snakes are holding her against her will. She won't admit it. I fear she is afraid of them and doesn't want anyone getting hurt. She is brave and a perfect fit for you." The male looked nervous knowing he might not have a chance. "Go after her the worst she can say in no." The Ape king said the wolf male ran off to for an offering for the female.

Iris pov

I was about to head back when I heard people talking. I was about to head over when I saw Bai head that way. I will let you handle it then. I thought walking away King met me halfway. "Flower there you are was starting to worry about you." He said picking me up. "I'm fine king." I said but I doubt he was listening because he sat me down with the others. The night was going well till the male from earlier came to us. He held out wild boar meat. "I am Shu its nice to meet you. I was wondering if I could be one of your males?" I gasped at how forward he was being. I blush at him while my males his in protest. "May I have some time to think about it?" I asked playing with my hair. He nods before walking away. The rest of the evening went well except for Bai coming over. "Hi Iris how are you doing its a beautiful night." She said cheerfully her snake nods his head at my males who do the same. "Yes it is Bai say why don't we get together tomorrow for tea and fruit?" I said making her light up with joy. She left soon after I suggested it. I sigh leaning against King. "Are you feeling ok flower?" He asked before looking at the others. "Lets go home my cycle is about to start." I said knowing this feeling having to hide from my mother's spouse's when it started. "Do you know who you want to nest with first?" Sahara asked the others watch me. "Well why not leave it up to chance." They didn't like that answer. "No we all want a nest and know that its our eggs." Djin said crossing his arms. Salem and Sahara nod agreeing with him. "Well it is her decision on who is first if she said leave it to chance then looks like King and I like that Idea." Ghost said making the other three hiss. When we all got home King and Ghost took turns with me hoping that I would have thier eggs.

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