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(Happy Monday everyone

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(Happy Monday everyone.)

King pov

I was heading back from my hunt. I unfortunately was unable to find a baor for Iris. Thats when the sent of blood filled my nose. I was going to ignore it till I saw the white tiger chasing after a hawk male. Again was going to ignore it had nothing to do with me. That was till the white tiger spoke of Iris and killing my brothers. This is something I can't ignore. "What did you just say?" I asked in a threatening manner. He laughed shaking oh no I have heard of this. I  changed to my beast form and the fight began. I used my tail to throw him back. He roars at me before charging. I lift out of the way so I can land a bite. He wobbles whimpering a little before roaring. I knew he was calling for help and this was not going to end well for me. I hurry away quickly heading into the city so I can warn my brothers. I make it to the entrance of our nest before being rambled into the tree. I hiss at the one who dares attack me. It was a band of male tigers. One leaps at me once to be slapped back by Djin. "This has nothing to do with you. We just want the snake who killed my brother. Step aside and let us do what must be done." The tiger grows only to make Djin laugh. That is never a good sign and these poor unfortunate tigers are about to find out why.  Dijn went to strike only to be stopped by Curtis. "Dijn this is what they want stop. *looks of his shoulder at the tiger.* look Winston attacked my brother. He was defending himself it was a unfortunate event. Winston thought he was a unmated Feral. " The tiger king looked at me. "Is that what happened?" I nod "I apologize for your brother as mine said Winston came at me first. I had no intention of hurting him or anyone for that matter. I was out hunting for my female. While we fought my Venom landed on the deer. It was no longer safe to eat. It should still be in the forest near your brother's corpse." I said making a convincing story even though it was a lie. "I did see a deer near my brother. Then it looks like my judgment was misplaced. I apologize for my uncivilized behavior. You of all should know what it's like losing a family member. He was my big brother hopefully we can move past this little spat." The tiger king shift holding his hand out to me. I shake it "no harm done was a misunderstanding one that I hope can be avoided in the future." I said and he nods. "Yes may it never happen again. I am also sorry about your brother." He said before leaving with the other tigers. Dijn was still steaming from the situation. "Djin come on lets go into the mountains. You can't let Iris see you like this." I said placing my hands on his shoulder. Curtis still holding him but struggling. "You are just going to let them go?! They attacked you King it's obvious they don't want us here. They will do anything to be rid of us King. Didn't Salem's death show you nothing?! They can't be trusted around us or Iris. She could be with eggs again what's stopping them from hurting her again?" He was not thinking clearly he was angry and had every right to be. Unfortunately we had to be smart about this situation. "Dijn I know your in pain we all Iris too. Our flower doesn't want to lose anyone else. We are leaving after the cold season passes. You need to hold out till then brother please believe me when I say, I don't like this either." Dijn glaring at me before spitting to the side.  "I am only letting this go for her and only her." He hissed before heading into the woods. I sigh knowing full well this is not over. 

Solea pov

After packing up the shop for the day Jasper elbows me. "You have been smiling like a cat with milk all day. Come on tell me who is she and why are you not taking a shot?" The made me laugh. "You know we can't try anything in the city. Yes I found a beautiful moon flower. I doubt she will go for me though. We are Feral beastman after all Jasper." I said calmly playing a box in our wagon. "I say don't let it stop you. I hear there is a female in the city with only Feral beastman as spouses. That is a female I would take a shot for." He laughed before crossing his arms. "In all seriousness though Solea. If you like her take a chance on it. The worst she can say is no. I need to go and get Sebastian before he gets in trouble. Just think about it ok no matter what I got your back." He said before walking away to find Sebastian. He has a point the worst moon flower can say is no. I will take my shot then but what should I present to her as tribute. I know I will give her a necklace made from moon crystals. It will look absolutely beautiful on her. I thought getting to work on the gift please beast deity don't have her say no. I prayed knowing how lonely the life of a Feral beastman is and I have had enough.

(Do you think Iris will turn Solea away? Will Dijn keep his word to King? Is Iris with eggs or will she have to wait? Tell what you think in the comments.)

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