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Raspen pov

Many bucks met at the edge of the territory. "Today we strike showing the Gazelle who is really in charge of the forest. There is no room for them here." Lorsan said causing the other males to erupt in cheers. "Lets move the sooner we are in the sooner we can leave." Lorsan took to his animal form a tall silver buck standing proudly. Soon the others took to their forms browns,pinks,greens. I am a pure white buck not silver like Lorsan but like snow. Lorsan took off leading the charge to the Gazelle village. I don't have a good feeling about this. Something is screaming at me to run down the mountain. I can't take it anymore and allowed others to pass me. Once I was certain they were far enough ahead, I ran down the mountain it was the sent of Lilly's and rain that called to me. It was a female for sure ,but why would her sent call to me? 

Lysander pov

I watched over Iris while she picked golden water blooms. They are sweet tasting flowers good in water or soup. They also make good medicine for pregnant females. My attention was taken away from Iris to a approaching buck. They must recognize my sent and are coming for me. I however can't let them get close to Iris. "Iris we need to go now." I said softly not wanting to raise alarm. "Why is something wrong?" She asked looking up at me. Her blue eyes glitter from the sun light. She was truly a beautiful female and none could match her. Focus Lysander we don't have time for this! I mentally scold myself. "Iris trust me on this we need to go." I said with a bit more force making her nod. I shift into my deer form only to lock antlers with the other deer male. He had a coat like snow. Wait Raspen had white fur could it be?

Iris pov

I was about to hop on Lysanders back when he charged forward locking antlers with another deer. They were large and had beautiful white fur. The two bucks fight to try and overpower the other. Lysander managed to get the Buck on the ground antlers to his throat. "Lysander stop that's enough." The white buck looks at me with a shovked expression. He the changed back to his human form. He looked like Lysander only with white hair. "Brother?" The male asked weakly. Lysander shifts back holding out his hand. "Raspen what are you doing out here? Where is Lyca and Lorsan, are they ok do you need my help?" Lysander asked questions only for Raspen to hug him shaking the sound of muffled crying could be heard. Lysander held his brother tears threatening to spill. "Where were you Lysander?" Raspen asked between sobs. "I'm so sorry Raspen I couldn't stay in that place anymore. Our sister ment a great deal to me." He said before looking at me. "Raspen I would like you to meet my mate Iris. Iris this is my baby brother Raspen." He said holding his hand out for me to step forward. Raspen looked at me before giving a boyish grin. "Hi there sis nice to meet you." The resemblance is striking between them the only difference is Lysander is taller and has brown hair. "It's nice to meet you as well Raspen." I said bashfuly twirling my hair. "Raspen you should head back before Lorsan comes looking for you. I have no doubts a fight between us is inevitable. I just want to get my doe out of harms way. I will come see you soon but you need to go." Lysander said sad looking down at his little brother. "Don't take to long Lorsan is dragging the clan down. Fawns are starting to decrease in number.  Lysander the clan desperately neds a new leader Lorsan isn't cut out for it. He took a Gazelle female forced a mate bond on her and now is trying to get her and his fawn back. He is going to cause a war that we can't win." Lysander's widened at the news. He looked at me then to his brother. "We may need to head to your home Lysander." I said making him shake his head. "No I will go but you need to get back to the snakes and your eggs." Lysander said before shifting urging me to climb on. I look at Raspen "make sure he returns to me." He nods "don't worry sis I won't let anything happen to him." That was the last thing spoken before Lysander took off. "You come back to me alive and I will give you a fawn." I said huging him before he left to comfort this Lorsan. Please Lysander don't do anything stupid come back home.

GinGin pov

Looking down at Arena while she slept reminded me of the time I spent in the Gazelle village. Lorsan was a cruel male and made it clear he would hurt Arena if I didn't do as he said. "Arena please forgive me. I know I am unfair to you  in many ways. I do so because when I am gone no one will help you. You are the daughter of the head of the deer clan. I am doing all I can so you won't be weak. I know one day you will come to resent me but I will stop loving you. You are my precious Calf no matter what anyone may say or do." I said holding her slowly letting sleep take hold over me. It had only been maybe a few minutes before my door was kicked in. Pulling Arena to me as I watch in horror.  Lorsan was standingin the door way. "There you are Doe and taking good care of our fawn. If memory serves me correctly you were pregnant, when these fowl beasts took you. Oh my poor sweet Doe it's ok. Knowing you care for this fawn shows it was not by choice. We will have more fawns."  He knelt down rubbing the top of Arena's head. He appears to be a loving father but this disgusting male is anything but loving. I doubt he knows what loving is. "Come now Doe we need to move. The others are waiting for us and don't try anything funny Doe." All I can do is nod going with him willingly. My Calf's life comes first even if I have to be tortured in the process. While he walked I noticed one of the male deers was carrying the female Kohl  brought in. So this bitch was a deer female?! "Don't worry Doe she will not be around long. All she needs is to learn her place. I am sure some bucks will take good care of her." He said with a sadistic laugh. "Isn't  she a deer female Lorsan?" I asked unable to stop myself. His laughter stopped looking down at me. "Oh my sweet Doe no she is not a deer female but she does have simar soft features. I suppose that's why you asked." Were are the Gazelle males how is this happening? "We got what we came for let's move." Lorsan said before shifting and taking the lead. He was taking us back to my own personal hell. How am I going to get out of this?

(Hello my children hope your week was a good one. Like I stated last week we are entering the Forest war arc. This arc follows Bai more so than Iris and the snakes. Don't worry you will still get your snake boys. Also in the arc at some point the eggs will hatch. I know when but you don't. So sit back relax and enjoy this hot mess of a ride. I will see you next week.)

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