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(Good morning and happy Friday to you all. I want to thank you for the love and support you have shown. Though I can't physically hug you all but I can say it would be nice. Be kind to eachother because one small act of kindness can make a difference in someone's life. With love Mama_Wolfblood)

Iris woke to something scratchy against her cheek, sitting up to the sound of snapping twigs. The sent of sandalwood filled her nose covering her mouth so she doesn't puke. It was so strong and came on so quickly. "Oh female your awake." A soft male voice came from across the room. She looked to see a tall lean male with cream skin, sapphire colored hair, blue eyes. He watched the female a bit of sympathy in his eyes. "Are you hungry or thirsty?" He asked gently kneeling down placing a warm hand on her sholder. Iris flinched quivering in fear this squeeze at the young males heart. "I'm not like my father female. I will not hurt you I promise nor will my brother." He said cupping her cheek his blue eyes were like a calm ocean. Iris felt safe before she knew it tears were sliding down her cheeks. Holding Iris to him the male stared to hum. Iris soon fell asleep in his arms. Gently laying her on some fur the young male gently moved some hair out of her face. "My name is Bram and I promise to not let anything happen to you." He whisperes before kissing her cheek. "Is she ok Bram?" Another male voice came from the door. Another male who similarly built like bram only black hair and red eyes stood. "She is fine Riftin just shooken up. If mother were alife to see what he did to her." Bram fell silent at the thought. "You and I both know bringing her up makes things worse. Our mother died protecting our sister." This made Riftin shiver from the memory. "Yeah I know but it's been ten years Riftin he needs to move forward." Bram said only for Riftin to sign. "I think he is trying. He wants us to mate and birth new life into the clan. " Riftin was now next to his brother. "I doubt it will be simple given his condition." Bram said feeling a bit sorry for the older male. "Whats done is done we can only wait for him to keel over." Riftin said with no ounce of sympathy for his father. He still blames him for the death of the female he loves. In a way Riftin understands what his father is feeling. To lose what to treasure more than your own life. It is something you can't turn from. It is a never ending hell that eats away at you till nothing is left. "It will be ok once she is safely returned to her males." Riftin said before turning to leave. "I'm going to hunt watch over her." Riftin growled not wanting to be in the room anymore. His brother nods before turning back to the sleepy female. "He is a broody male but he to will never hurt you. Your safe rest easy before long you will be back with your males." He said before resting himself next to her. His are wrapped around her protectively.

Lysander pov

I was going over reports when I felt a slight tug at my heart. Iris is she ok did something happen? Before I could even think of a way to find answers, a young deer fawn rushed in. "Sky Ferals have been spotted!" The news made my heart sink. Sky Ferals were not to be messed with. They are a step above snakes and a nasty attitude to boot. Iris my beautiful flower be safe. I thought before looking at the young boy. "Get everyone in their homes. The city isn't safe we may be under attack." I said before rushing past him. The boy not knowing what else to do obeyed my command. The Ape king in his bed coughing blood as a now showing pregnant Quinn looked worried. "Ape king I have bad news." But before I could say anything he wavered a hand. "I am awere of the sky ferals Lysander. She is making an army. I fear the worst is to come and we are to blame. We didn't get her when we had the chance. The city is in danger because of my negligence. Lysander you must find and kill Iris before it's to late." He said before coughing up more blood. "Why of all times must you leave me." Quinn cried holding her pregnant belly. You are to blame for this whole mess. I doubt the child is his. You have been spotted with other males. "It is the will of the beast deity. I am holding on to see the child be born. Oh sweet Quinn I am so sorry I will not be around to protect you." The Ape king said before rolling over to vomit blood. The poison is working on him quickly. If I can get Iris away from the sky ferals then the city can be saved. If she is building an army she could over throw the city. Am I being used by her? I thought as fear over takes me. Is she really planning to take over the city of beasts?

(So if you had to choose between the dragon brothers. Which one Bram or Riftin to be your male. Please comment below oh and check out my new story 'Trust Me' if you like dragon shifters and wolf shifters. Then you will like this as well. I wish you all a wonderful weekend.)

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