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(Hello and Happy Tuesday. I am sorry been away for so long. Anxiety is a demon that I wrestle with every day. I hate admitting this but alot of the time it wins.)

Iris pov
It's been a few months since we left the city of beasts. The cold season has over took the land leaving it in a blanket of white. Solea,Jasper,Sebastian, and Parker do what they can to keep Bai and myself safe.

Bai and myself are starting to show signs of pregnancy. The males happy we are pregnant but also scared because we are vulnerable. I honestly hope its snake eggs King and Ghost want children. It will be a pleasant surprise for them when they awaken.
Sebastian sows cotton pats under the furs so Bai and myself could be comfortable. "Hey we have company heading this way." Jasper said coming threw the door. Parker and Solea left to detur the threat.

Parker pov

It was some tiger and Leppard beastman. "Come on Parker just give her up. No female is worth this kind of truble. Think of mom how she is feeling right now. She is sick with worry." I growl "if I let you hurt my mate I will be abandoned when she dies." My brother shakes his head.
"The females will be in prisoned till they agree to mate with non Feral beastman. We are only doing what's best baby brother. I promise you nothing will happen to them. You just need to come home." I lunged at him ripping out his throat. "I am no fool brothers. The Ape king wonts them dead. I love Bai no matter her preferences in males."

I growl before fighting the males with Solea. It was a blood bath with needless death. They could have lived if they didn't try to take our mates. "Are you ok brother?" Solea asked placing his hand on my shoulder. I growl at him. "I wouldn't have had to kill my brothers if you disgusting Ferals didn't take our females.

Come on lets go back the females are waiting for us." I said walking unaware of the tiger in the underbrush. He leaps at me only for Solea to run his tail threw him. "I wish you so called civilized beastman stop thinking your better than us.

You don't have to fight to stay alive. You don't need to look over your shoulder from birth." He said throwing the tiger to the side. "Come on lets head back, the females are waiting." He said walking past me blood dripping from his tail.

"Clean your tail don't need them to follow a trail." I said he wiped his tail splashing blood everywhere. "I'm so sorry master didn't realize shall I clean you off too?" He asked sarcastically smug bastard. We make it back Bai crossed her arms and told me to wash myself off. I nod and head to the bath. My brother's words ring in my head. 'No female is worth this Parker.

They will only be in prisoned till they agree to take civilized beastman.' This is all Iris's fault the filthy Feral loving whore. In the middle of the night I will take Bai back to the city. I will send the gaurds where the whore is hiding,Then we will see just who is better Solea.

(So do you think Parker will succeed or will he get caught.)

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