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(Merry Christmas everyone!)

Iris pov

I lay on the cold ground in pain the metallic taste and smell of blood surrounded me. "She is a female what are you doing?!" Wait Ghost no I can't lose anyone else. I try to speak but can't due to the pain. "Exactly she is a female who needed to learn her place. " Bram why this isn't right. I thought before coughing getting their attention. "She doesn't what to be here let her go!" Ghost yelled trying to reason with Bram but that will never happen.

"I will only let her go when she births a female. The Flying Ferals were once a beautiful thriving clan. We cared not about you filthy low borns. Then the beast deity turned her back on us. This is nothing personal we just don't want to die out. " I tried getting up only for my efforts to be in vain. Three large Flying Ferals land by Bram. "If its a fight you want then *insane laugh* a fight you shall get!" He yells shifting into his animal form. His Sorulian blue scales shimmers in the moon light. It was beautiful I can't deny it but, my males will die if I don't do something.

"Child this is my fault. I am sorry for not taking care of this mess sooner." That voice it can't be. "You must stay strong for your males and your children." The voice said before I felt warmth wash over me. "Iris you need to go back big brothers need you." I open my eyes to see Salem. "He is right moon flower you shouldn't be here yet." Solea said appearing beside him. "Yes please go back Iris they need you." Jasper and Sebastian said. Tears came to my eyes seeing my lost males.

"I miss you so much." I said before I felt myself falling. "We know" was the last thing I heard them say. The sound of hissing and snarling filled my ears. The smell of blood filled my nose as I struggle to stand up. Opening my eyes I see two Flying Ferals lay dead as King and the others are fighting them off. All but one of my Flying Feral beast marks has disappeared.

"BRAM THATS ENOUGH!" I scream seeing the all to familiar saruleon blue scales. The male looked at me with disdained. I started running knowing what he was going to do. Before his talens could slice threw King I lept infront of him. I fully expect to be sliced to ribbons but King threw me behind him taking the blow. He smiled at me as his life was leaving him. "No....King....you.....NOOOOOOOOOO!" I scream crying over the dead snake male who gave his life for me. Bram just livked his claws like nothing happened.

"You see we are the superior Ferals. Iris stop this and the others need not die." He said sounding bored. "He was my male and you killed him!" I yelled only for him to laugh. "No you jumping infront of him killed him. He had to save you knowing his fate. Well he was going to die anyway. Iris I don't want to hurt you but if you don't fall in line...I will have no choice." He snarled

"THAT IS ENOUGH!" a voice boomed from the clouds causing the earth to tremble. "Your time in this world is up! The ecosystem can no longer support you or your clan! That is why your clan is dying out! I see now being nice is no longer an option." The Flying Ferals begin to cry out in pain before turning to dust. Bram glares at Iris before laughing. "This isn't over because the children in your womb are Flying Ferals. Our clan will survive because of my children." His laugh lingers while the breeze carried him away. I sink to my knees tears in my eyes while holding my stomach. He was right because I am pregnant with a Flying Feral eggs.

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