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Iris waited till the moon had rison a quarter way into the sky. Knowing full well no one will be out, Iris made her way to Bai's den. "Bai.." she whispered no response. I told her to be ready for fuck sake. She thought getting a little pissed off by the other female who is currently not ready.

"Bai come on we need to go. This is the only shot we have. Do you really want to stay here?" Iris tried again but still no response. The female knowing she didn't have the time to mess around, made the only decision that insured her safety. 'Sorry Bai' Iris thought sadly making her way to the entrance. However this would prove to be the biggest mistake she could have made. Soon as Iris was at the entrance about to cross Bram caught her.

Ghost pov

Something felt off they should have been here by now. What is taking them so long? I thought only to smell blood and not just anyone's blood it was Iris's blood. King was thinking the same as myself because we were charging head first into danger. So much for stealth. When we reached the small village Iris lay on the ground covered in bruises and blood seeping from her. I go to approach only for King to stop me. His focus was on a Blue haired male who was stained in Iris's blood.

"Your the ones who forced me to hurt my mate. You poison her mind thinking she is in danger. Female's must know their place and stay in it. I took no pleasure in hurting her. It was for her own good. She is my mate no one else can have her." This Flying Feral seemed different from the others. Did he have....oh no if he does then Iris very well might have it too.  "Why would you attack a female don't you want your kind to survive?" I asked making him laugh.

"My kind will survive thanks to the fresh crop of females we picked up. Unfortunately had to destroy some villages, choices haf to be made." This fucker was acting as though its nothing. "Don't you see why females have not been born to your kind? The beast deity is done with your kind." I said having him glare at me.

"The beast deity turned her back on all ferals long ago snake. Tell you what you can have her back after she gives the clan a female." He said laughing causing King and myself to Hiss. "You can't win against us filthy low borns. But if its a fight you want...*snaps fingers* then a fight you shall get." He said as several large Flying Ferals land not far from us. This won't be easy but nothing worth doing ever is.

(Hello everyone I just want you to know that this is the final chapter till after the new year. My inbox is always open. Love you all  Marry Christmas and happy new year.)

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