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(Hello happy Monday everyone. )

The two males looked at Iris as if asking. "What happened here female? You are the only one that was here." One of the males asked. "I gave him a cup of warm leaf juice. The next think I knew he threw mine before dieing. I was so scared but I feel worse for Bram lossing his brother and father." Iris said crying in her hands.

The two males try to comfort her worried what Bram would do to them if he feels they mistreated his female.
"Come now female we ment no harm." One said gently leading her to Bram's so she could rest. "Will look into the matter. Its not your fault please get some rest you are pregnant." He said helping her lay down before leaving. Iris smirks knowing her plan worked.

Ghost pov

King and Curtis were going over the plan. I for one think going in fighting is a bad idea. We don't have the numbers to support a full scale attack. "King I know you want to get her back. I do too but I also think it should be done quietly." I suggested only to have him glare at me. "Then what look over our shoulders everyday for the rest of our lives. They are only a small cluster of males we can take them."

King hissed Lysander stood by me. "He is right King the flying ferals are not to be taken lightly. They tore Parker and Jasper to ribbons, if we go in fighting Iris and Bai will have no hope of escape." Curtis hissed before looking at King. "They have a point King. I want them dead too but we need to get Iris and Bai out first. When they are safe we can kill them all." He said siding with us.

"What if she is pregnant already? We are waisting time coming up with ideas."King had a good point if she is pregnant that will complicate things.  "Make her take abortion medicine." Lysander suggested "That won't work feral offspring are different from you tame beastman. We will just have to hope me make it in time."

I said before covering the eggs with mud and leaves. "Don't worry little ones daddy will be back soon. I will bring your mother home sleep tight." I whispered before meeting up with my brothers.

"By this time tomorrow she will be home." King said before coughing up blood. "You fool don't waist any more of your energy." I said sad knowing he won't last another day. "I am running out of time Ghost at this rate, I will die by morning so we need to act now."

He said looking at me not angry but sad and scared. "Promise me you will look after her and not do anything stupid. Tell her I died saving her because I will not die infront of her or any of you." He said bringing a hand to his face. "I will do my best King but you shouldn't die alone. It will kill Iris knowing another one of her males died.

She has experienced enough heartbrake don't you think? King give her the peice of mind knowing you were with the ones who love you. You won't die alone King." Was the last thing I said to him. We are coming Iris just wait a little longer.

Iris pov

I wait a bit before heading to Bai's den. I cover her mouth before she can say anything. "Listen night fall go to the village entrance. We escape tonight tell no one understand." She nods quivering in fear. "Good remember night fall village entrance." I said before leaving unaware of the stunt she is going to pull.

(The next chapter will be intense for sure. I appreciate all of you who have stuck with the story. I wish you and your family a happy holiday season.)

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