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Muri and his flock head back to the city of beasts

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Muri and his flock head back to the city of beasts. The young Hawk still felt as though Muri was acting out of line. He feels bad for the female for this reason alone, Hendrix will warn the Snake beastman they were in the right. He knows what the flock will do to him for doing so. His pride just won't let this slide. He can't live with the fact a member of his clan is willing to start a war, over his brother who raped a female. Soon they made it back to the city and the Ape king called for the males of Iris to come forth. Iris held by Ghost looked at Shu who was shaking with fear. "That's the other males." She said making the people in the crowd angry shouting degrading opinions about the wolf clan. King and his brothers approached Shu. "Please don't hurt me. She can abandon me and I will leave and never bother you or anyone." He tried only to be punched by Salem they smallest of the brothers. The angrier on his face showed a side to him never seen before. The shocked expressions on his brother's faces made that more evident. "You lay hand on my mate and think you can get away with it. You think forcing a female is the answer. What you and countless other 'domestic' clan males do to females...*angry tears* That makes you lower than a Feral beastman. At least we know how to be what our mate needs. Because of you and that bastard Hawk our Iris is afraid of males." He hissed before Ghost placed a hand on his little brothers shoulder. "It's ok it's almost over we have him." He said before looking at his brother's hand. "Salem are you?" He asked before Salem fell to the ground bleeding from his mouth. Iris saw his mark disappear from her wrist. She screams running to him. "Salem no please." She whispered holding him close. "All that talk about protecting and taking care of your bitch was just talk. This is why males are better and females need to just submit. Your only good for one thing expanding populations. You dumb bitch want to give them eggs. Feral love sluts need to die just kill her." Shu laughed as Djin grabbed Iris lifting her up. "NO NO I CAN'T LEAVE HIM NO PLEASE! HE'S YOUR BROTHER WE CAN'T LEAVE HIM LIKE THAT! DJIN YOU BASTARD LET ME GO!" She yelled smacking him. "YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT! YOU THINK I DON'T WANT TO RIP THAT BASTARD APART! THE WOLF IS COVERED IN POISON! It may not be ideal but you should abandon him. We can't do any thing to him without dying ourselves." He said tearing streaming down his cheeks not caring how he appeared. King, Sahara, and Ghost carried Salem away. Shu was howling with laughter as they left the square. Sympathy in several people's eyes including Bai Qingqing. Shu was taken to the dungeon in the Ape king castle.

"That bitch hasn't abandoned me yet. She knows what I said is true. Just you wait she will call for me." The crazy look in his eyes would make anyone's blood go cold. "Unfortunately Shu you will not be walking out of here alive. You were supposed to kill all of them not just one. That's ok it can still be done. However before I can take care of those vermin, I need to cut dow a mangy fleabag." Muri said before hanging a crystal to Winston. "You know what to do." Winston nods waiting for Muri to leave. "Sorry but I warned you the plan you had was doomed to fail." He apologized before snapping Shu's neck. He catches sight of Hendrix running away. "Hmmm this can't be good. I will let things play out for now." He said before spitting on Shu's dead body.

Iris pov

We all stood around the grave silent. Why did someone so sweet have to be taken? "It isn't fair what happened to Salem. He was a gentle soul who would rather play in the field. He hated to fight he loved us that's what pushed him. Salem will be missed but he will always be with us. He will be in our hatchlings. He will be in our hearts and memories. Salem I am so sorry if it weren't for me you would still be here. I love you and am happy I was fortunate enough to be your female." I said before kissing his gravestone. She's mark disappear indicating he is dead. Good riddance if you ask me. Burn in hell you no good judgmental bastard.

Muri pov

I land infront of that Feral loving slut's dwelling. I swallowed the vomit threatening to come up. Knocking on the door only to have a snake tail slap me away. "You think no one made a connection? You blame Iris for something your brother did. I won't let anyone hurt someone my female holds close." That voice belongs to none other than Curtis and he looks pissed.

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