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(Happy Monday everyone

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(Happy Monday everyone. I hope you are having a good day or even. I ask you to do one nice thing for someone small or large it doesn't matter. You have no idea how much just one act of good can do. You can be the ripple in the pond we call life. So go out there and be that force of positive change. *hugs you tightly* I believe in you. You got this so go out there and show them what a little positive energy can do.)

Bai Qingqing pov

I have a bad feeling about today there was a letter sent to everyone in the city. It was an instruction to meet in the Square. Curtis was holding me in his arms when the kings walked on the stages. "Today I have a new law to pass. This is to protect the population of the city.
I hope there are no hard feelings." The Ape king said looking at me and then to Iris who is in the arms of Ghost. Oh no no no no it can't be what I think it is. No please they can't do this to us. "All who mate with Feral beastman are no longer talented in the city. So you can either abandon them or leave." The Ape king smirks. The Hawk and Leppard king looked shocked.

"YOU SAID THIS CAN BE  DECIDED IN FOUR DAYS TIME! HOW DARE YOU GO BACK ON YOUR WORD!" The Hawk king yelled grabbing the Ape king by the throat. "HE IS RIGHT APE KING HOW CAN YOU DO THIS?!" Parker's father yelled this made people whispers. "IT'S BECAUSE OF OF THOSE FERAL LOVING SLUTS IS MATES WITH YOUR SON! I GET IT YOU LOVE YOUR SON BUT THE WELL BEING OF THE CITY, IS MORE IMPORTANT YOU FOOL! DON'T LET ONE BE THE DOWN FALL OF THE CITY!" The ape king choked out making people glare at Iris and myself. "Just abandon them the Ferals are nothing anyway." Some yell at us. "Think of your well being please they aren't worth it." Others said but then someone walked to the edge of the stage.

"Iris please think for yourself. I can protect you and our fawns will be beautiful. You are beautiful you can have your pick of the city. I mean any male would want you. I mean it Iris go out there this close to the cold season. You would be out of your mind going anywhere with them now. Just abandon those animals and come with me. I will love you till my last breath all for you. Don't be like my sister Fiona who broke my parents hearts. I beg you don't break mine." The deer beastman said looking at Iris. She growled before taking a scale to the deer mark.

"FUCK YOU LYSANDER!"  She yelled erasing his mark.  In the blink of an eye Curtis was on the run with me in his arms. Ghost and his brothers were behind us. Once we hot far enough away from the city we sat in a cave. Iris looked sad as I bandaged her hip. "Don't be sad he was a dick." I said making her chuckle. "We are on the run now because of who we love." She said with tears welling up.

"Love is the strongest force in the world Iris. We just need to have faith in the beast deity. I promise you everything will work out." I said looking to the mouth of the cave.

The Ape king pov

Once the two females were chased out the Leppard king challenged me to a dule. I am no fool to think I will beat him. I just need to stall time just so the females heads will be delivered to me. I can't risk them being out there roaming free.

(Wow that was a lot to unpack. So comment what you think will happen to Iris and Bai. I also want to thank you for the love and support all of you give. I know that my updates are not as consistent like they used to be. I am trying to get back on the horse.  I love all ove you very much. If you need someone to talk to my private messages are always open. Alright I will leave you to make theories. *hugs*)

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