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(Good morning and happy Monday to you all. I want to thank you for the love and support you have shown. Though I can't physically hug you all but I can say it would be nice. Be kind to eachother because one small act of kindness can make a difference in someone's life. With love Mama_Wolfblood)

It was a somewhat ordinary morning for Iris and Bai. Sebastian was making a soft but insulated holder for the eggs. It had only been five hours since she birthed the eggs of one of the snake brothers.

It would only be a matter of time before the brothers come back. Iris was about to stand when Jasper screams for Sebastian. It all happened so quickly the tree house was being ripped apart, the sound of growls.

Iris looked up at the large winged beastman. "Female you come with us and no harm will come to your males." The Ice blue one growls out to the young female. She couldn't deny the safety of her males or her children. She stepped forward to the winged Ferals Jasper grabbed her only for him to be killed by the winged Ferals. She wanted to cry but had to be strong. The lives of her family depends on it.

The blue bastard grabbed her. He looked at the three others growling about Bai and flew off. One of the beasts had stayed behind waiting for the other males to show back up. Iris for the first time in two years was reminded of the fact she is a female. In the eyes of these flying bastards she and Bai are good for only one thing.

They are nothing but baby makers. Iris looked up at the beastman holding her in his claws. If he thought she was going to roll over he had another thing coming.

Iris pov

It was close to night fall when the bastard landed in a clearing. He growled at the other two and they nod taking Bai with them. I hear her cries of protest and begging for something to stop.
I desperately wanted to go help her but, I also knew if I tried anything I would die in extention leave my males abandoned and my children motherless.

I had to play the compliant female. "You will be good for my sons Bram and Riftin. I don't know how you were treated by your males but thats over.
You are to be compliant for them and do as they say. Females who do that are rewarded. Seeing you are a custom to Ferals, there should be no issues." He said before squeezing me. I cry out in pain before passing out.

Solea pov

Sebastian and I ran with the eggs. If we stuck around we would die and that was not happening sorry Parker. Once far enough away the flying Feral flew off to lord knows where. "We need to come up with a plan and fast." Sebastian said making me look at him. "We need to wait for the snakes."

I said not knowing how to approach this situation. I honestly doubt they would be any better. "They could kill her by then." Sadly that is a possibility and a gamble we have to take. "Look it's only a few more weeks then they will wake. We just need to stay alive till then." Sebastian didn't like the sound of this plan. I didn't even like it but what choice do we have. Hold on Iris we will come for you.
Pain tugged at my heart picturing the dreadfully vile things being done to her. I pray the beast deity keeps her safe.

(In the next chapter you will meet Bram and Riftin. I would like to hear what you think they will be like. Will they be total jerks or will they try and help the two females escape? This is a group effort and I want you to be just as involved. This story would not be here without your support. Anyway till next time Mama_Wolfblood.)

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