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Bai pov

Kohl met up with a female who was gathering herbs. "There you are Kohl who is this." She asked noticing Bai Qingqing. "GinGin this is Bai Qingqing. I found her wondering around their part of the forest." When Kohl said this she slapped him. "What were you thinking? If one of them saw you a war could brake out! What is to say she isn't one of them?" The female I have come to know as GinGin, seems to be a head strong female. She looks similar to Kohl only red eyes and softer features. "Sister I was careful not to be spotted. The female here seemed to be lost and doesn't smell like one of them at all." Kohl said rubbing his cheek. GinGin glares at me intensely.

"I will not accept her in the village nor will anyone else. Kohl think about the clan. You found her in their part of the forest. Put it together she is one of them I can guarentee it." GinGin only wanted to protect her family and friends. I get it but don't talk about me like I am not here. "We can't leave her out here GinGin." Kohl said trying to reason with his sister. "The only way I will accept her is if she can prove to me she isn't a deer."  How the hell am I suppose to do that?! It thought before Kohl jumped in. "Their female's have soft tone color hair. Her hair is dark her feature are also not like them either. They are thin and nibble and look to be fragile." He said making me hold in my disapproval of his words. "Ha that doesn't mean anything Kohl looks are deceiving." She scoffed before looking at me. "If you haven't noticed it already she is pregnant. But I don't see any marks on her let me guess you tried stealing someone's male and got caught. Is that why you were thrown out. What a disgusting female you are shameless whore."

Ok enough with this "My males were killed by Feral Beastman. I was wondering around trying to find my way home. I am from the Ape clan." I said getting in her face making her chuckle. "Oh how convenient of a story. Tell you what the elders can do this. Her blood will tell us everything." She said making  Kohl shake with anger. "Why do you have to be heartless GinGin she said she is an Ape female? When it comes out she is telling the truth. I will take her as my female and she will be head female of the village." This shocked the female. "Brother we know nothing about her. I am trying to protect our village our people. Are you really going to make an outsider head female? You are the next village leader. Think Kohl why else would a female wonder around where you could find her. This isn't a coincidence Kohl brother please listen to me. She isn't any good only truble will come if we let her in." She said only for Kohl to yank her up. Facing him with fear.

"When it comes out you are wrong. You will apologize to my female GinGin. You and anyone else who dares to question my choice. Let's get back you gathered enough." I kinda feel bad for her but with Kohl being clan leader. I can work with this just you wait Iris. You will pay for everything you have done to me.

(I honestly like GinGin simply because I bace her off my own mother. She will not hide anything from you. She is honest to the point it's brutal. If she has something to say she will say it. I used to hate that but now I appreciate it.)

??? Pov

Toho and I make it back to our village. It's a small cluster of cave in a large cavern. "Lyca your back any news?" Lord Lorsan head of the village and my older brother spoke approaching me his chin length silver hair swaying with every step. His emrald eyes watch me with anticipation. Lorsan stood six foot lean muscle build.  We are made for defensive evasion.  Unlike the Gazelle who are more offensive and relie on brute strength. "Lorsan they took in another female. Her life energy is far higher than any I have come across. I fear if she breeds with one of them....They will kill us all." My brother took my pink hair between his fingers. "Then it looks like we need to eliminate the female before that happens."

He spoke before  calling our little brother "Repen come we need to prepare a stealth mission. Something quick and clean." Raspen looked at our bother before nodding. His powder blue sholder length hair looked like a sea breeze. Like our older brother he stands six foot only a bit on the skinny side. "Maybe its time we try and find our elder brother Lorsan." I gasped reading myself to jump between them. Our elder brother ran off years ago leaving us to fend for ourselves. "Never speak of that traitorous scum. He left us at the mercy of the Gazelle tribe. He isn't and never will be one of us."  Lorsan said before turning his back on us. "Brother we will find a way we always do." I said gently placing my hand on his shoulder. He was shaking from anger and I understood.

"Lorsan come with me lets go pick some honey flowers. There are fresh blooms by the stream." I said pulling him with me. Raspen didn't know what was really happened by the stream. I hope he never comes to find out.

No one pov

Lysander sat by one of the mountain streams close to the flying ferals village. "I can't believe how close I am to home. I wonder if those three are still alive." He said out loud not knowing if anyone could hear him. "Who?" Lysander jumps and turns to see Iris. "Oh just my siblings from my village. You see I left after my sister was killed by ferals. They think I abandoned them. The truth is I just couldn't stay there anymore." He said looking into his female's eyes. Iris wrapped her arms around him. "It wasn't your fault Lysander." She whispered before allowing him to take her. He wished his fawn would be growing inside her inside of those blasted eggs. She would be a beautiful mother doe to his fawns.

(Hello everyone please comment what you think the elders will say about Bai. I would love to hear your theories. Also do you think Lysander is telling the truth 😏? We are entering my favorite part of this story. Its the Forest Arc. See you next week. )

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