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Iris stared off into the distance a hand on her belly. So much was running threw her mind till a shrill scream filled the air. Iris attention was now on Bai who looked angry. "This is all your fault!" She yelled grabbing and pulling Iris's hair clawing at Bai's arm trying to get free. Curtis hears Iris cry out in pain ,when he reached her Bai had Iris on the ground punching her. Blood pours from her nose and mouth. "Bai stop this what is wrong with you?" Curtis yells holding Bai who is kicking and screaming. "Parker is dead because of her!" Lysander helped Iris up guiding her away. "Curtis you should take Bai away. Iris is really hurt and the brother's won't care she is a female." Curtis knew his brother's would come for Bai when discovered. Her screaming and acting like a child didn't help. Once he was certain they were a decent distance away, He harshly dropped her. "Do you know what her males will do to you? They will not care your a female nor that I am their brother. They could kill you Bai and that will put me in a difficult situation." He said trying desperately to reason with her. She laughed only to shake her head. "I don't give a shit Parker is gone. I never wanted to be your female Curtis. If you care so deeply for Iris go be her male. I doubt she will turn you away feral loving whore." This made Curtis hiss out of anger. He was trying to save Bai and yet here she was being disrespectful. He graved her leg and bit his mark. Soon the snake was gone. "What did you do Curtis?" She asked shaking with fear. "You don't deserve me or any male. I wish you luck Bai Qingqing may you have many nests." He said before slitting away leaving the female stunned and unsure what to do.

Iris pov

Lysander checked me over before Djin,Sahara,Ghost came back with food. "I will go see if any of the herbs are salvageable." Lysander left so my snakes could have time with me. Ghost hands me my eggs tears well up in my eyes. "I hope they are King's because he didn't deserve to die like that." Sobing while holding them close. "Mommy will do everything to protect you. My sweet babies you will not know hardship I promise." My snake brothers wrap themselves around me gently. "He isn't gone Iris. Even if the eggs end up being mine. King is still my brother and so they have him in them. " Ghost said trying to make me feel better. "What my brother says is true Iris. King may be gone but those eggs are still here so in away so is he." I look to the door only to see Curtis.

"What are you doing here where is Bai?" I asked worried only for him to blush. "I cut ties with her she was not good for me. Bai Qingqing was like all the other female's. She was not a Jem unlike you Iris." What is he trying to say? I thought mate bones are eternal and can't be broken. "Well its about time you saw that weak female for what she truly was." Sahara said followed by Dijn. "So you trying to join us now big brother?" Ghost asked only for Curtis to slither up an gently take my hand. "Only if she allows it."

(Ooooo will she take Curtis on? Well I already know the answer but, I still want to hear from you. See you all next week.)

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