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King watched over Iris as she slept. It broke his heart seeing the claw marks and bruises littering her skin. "What did they do to you flower?" He whisperes caressing her face gently. "I will find them and when I do....May the beast deity be with them. They put hand to you so my face is the last thing they will see before they speak with her." He hissed before grabbing Dijn. "You got her in this mess, so you will help find the ones responsible. If we don't find them your mark will disappear." Dijn followed his older brother knowing that thret was a promise.

Shu pov

I pace my room trying to think of a way out of this. Her sent was on both him and Calvin. The sent of a mate is permanent and nothing can mask it. "Sounds like you need to buck up and take them head on. Your female will understand in time. This is in her best interest son, so let those low life snakes come." My father said placing a hand on my shoulder. "After all females need us males to look after them. They can't do it just how things are. She will come around don't worry so much." He said before leaving me to think about what to do next. If they find me I'm doomed and if Iris rats me out I'm doomed. We can't kill her because that would result in the abandonment of myself and Calvin. What can we do that would keep our skins. " How about be honest and don't be the male your father is. " I turn to see my mother tears in her eyes. "Your father raped me because I refused to be with him. I wanted to be with a gentle tiger male. His name was Michael and he was so sweet. We were set to mate when your father ruined everything. He killed Michael and  raped me next to his Corpse. I looked into his lifeless eyes crying. I hoped telling you boys about this would make you different. I am disappointed in you Shu I had high hopes for you. I guess I was wrong to think both my sons would be better than him. I want you out of wolf beastman  territory." She said shocking me. "You cant do this I'm your son." I tried to have her reconsider. "MY SON WOULD NEVER FORCE A FEMALE! YOU ARE A COWARD OF A MALE AND I WANT YOU GONE NOW!" She yelled slapping me. I run not looking back.  I needed to find shelter for now.

Iris pov

I woke to Bai Qingqing placing a wet cloth on my forehead. "Iris your awake thank goodness. I will get a doctor for you." She said rushing out. I tried to sit up only to Ghost to lay me back down. "Flower you have been threw a lot. You need to rest so please let your body heal. " He was so gentle and I knew he would never hurt me. I just pushed him away curling up in a ball crying. "I feel so dirty Ghost. How can you look at me and not be disgusted? I betrayed all of you with two males I didn't even want." I cry into my hands trying to push the memories of the events away. "Iris it wasn't your fault they forced you. King,Dijin,Sahara,Salem,and myself love you. We know it will take time for you to feel better. That is ok because we will stand by you no matter what. You are our everything Flower. Now rest I will go get you some bone soup." His words were sad but gentle. The Ape king came in some time later. "Hello Iris I am going to do a quick exam. I promise I will not hurt you in anyway." He said making me nod. When he pleaded his hands on me flash backs of Shu and Calvin taking turns came to mind. Their laughter as I begged them to stop. I pushed the Ape king away screaming for him to stop not to touch me. "I'm sorry Iris as much as I want to leave you be. I need to make sure your physically ok. I know your mental state is a mess at the moment. I can help with that when you heal. " He said having Ghost hold me. I could tell my crying was hurting him his hold was shaking. "Ghost come in the other room with me." The Ape king said looking concerned. Bai washed me with a wet cloth. I would tense up but allowed it. Why is this happening to me. What did I do to deserve this from anyone? I cried in my head scared this would happen again.

(I want to say I'm sorry to the many victims of Rape. I know it is a living hell to go threw day after day. I was raped when I was a child. It is not an easy road but one you are not alone on. I offer a hug to you. I support you and am here for you no matter how far on the road you are. I am your friend.)

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