White Coat Freak & My Doom

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~ White Coat Freak & My Doom ~

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"Let me get this straight. In order to pass chemistry, you have to take some insane test and you also have to get a tutor to help you study for it?" Ferra asked as we walked through the crowded halls of our school.

She was a great friend and a beautiful girl. We were not exactly part of the popular group—which we referred to as The Pops—but she looked as if she could be one of them. With her shiny brunette hair and a thousand watt smile, she would fit right in at their table. The main difference between them was that Ferra actually had a likeable personality.

She used to be very lanky, so combining that with her name and mischievous behavior led to everyone in elementary school calling her Ferret. She then made it her goal to make them eat their words. So by the time we entered high school, she grew into her height and carried herself with more confidence. If that wasn't enough, she bit harder that any ferret could if anyone crossed her.

I was shorter than Ferra with blue eyes and long, red hair. With her help, I dyed my naturally blonde hair when I was thirteen because the deep, almost magenta color reminded me of red Skittles. I got into some serious trouble when my mom saw it, but it was so worth it. Since it became a routine to dye my hair, Ferra started to call me Skit for obvious reasons.

"Yes. If I don't pass chemistry, my mom will send me to the deepest depths of hell and then the torture will continue in summer school. That is not going to happen," I squared my shoulders, feeling more determined as I spoke those words.

"Agreed! Your summer will not be a bummer," she said with an equal amount of determination. "So what are you going to do about a tutor?"

I groaned, dropping my head as our discussion took a turn for the worse, "Mr. Fredrick recommended someone to me."


"Wes—" I was cut off when I crashed into something hard. I fell on my back, apparently knocking the obstruction to the floor with me. Papers went flying and rained down on us. Sitting up too quickly, I winced at the ache in my lower back. I gathered up as many papers as I could before looking at the silent person across from me. "I'm so sorry!"

We both stood and I scanned the tall guy wearing white sneakers, jeans, a black turtleneck...and a white lab coat? I craned my neck to his hazel eyes as he fixed his crooked glasses. His dark brown hair hung low near his eyes, but it wasn't excessively long. I was ogling him until I realized he was glaring at me. The stranger roughly snatched the papers out of my hands.

"Watch where you're going," he muttered harshly and trudged past me.

All I could do was stare in shock. He was just as much at fault as me. What a jerkface!

"Oh, my god!" Ferra moved up to me. "I can't believe you just bumped into Wesley Black!"

I forgot to breathe at the mention of his name.

"Who was that?!" I practically shrieked. I needed to make sure I heard her correctly.

"Wesley Black. Otherwise known as the White Coat Freak by pretty much everyone in the school. Where have you been?"

I couldn't speak.

"You know," she continued, oblivious to my distress, "Principal Taegon's son?"

"I'm going to hell no matter what I do," I groaned and threw my head back in defeat.

"Why do you say that, Skit?"

"Ferra, meet my tutor."

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