In The Name of Science & Kisses

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~ In The Name of Science & Kisses ~

~ ( s ) ( s ) ( s ) ~

Wesley told me in the morning that he was busy and not to go to The Lair during lunch. I didn't argue or question it because I felt I deserved a break anyway after catching up on all of my assignments. Ferra was pleasantly surprised when I joined her for lunch.

I had gotten used to the peace and quiet with Wes, so it was weird being back in the noisy cafeteria for a day. I almost missed the crappy pizza, but I did miss the tater tots. Which was why my tray had a big plate of tots and a slightly wilted salad filling the space. 

My packed lunch was sacrificed to Ferra as an apology for not having more lunches with her. That was the way I tried to see it anyway. In reality, she stole it from me because it was one of my amazing gourmet sandwiches. Ferra missed them dearly because I always shared with her whenever I made one.

"Oh, smoked turkey and gouda, how I've missed you," she said, staring at the sandwich like it was a long lost lover.

I laughed, munching on a slice of cucumber. "Should I leave you two alone?"

She rolled her eyes, "Don't be silly. It's great to have you back, even if it is only for a day."

I watched as she took a bite of heaven. "You're just saying that because of the sandwich."

"Maybe," she smiled guiltily with her mouth full.

We were sitting at the end of the table with the Dance Club, but most of them were involved in their own conversations. They were all surprised to see me and bombarded me with questions about where I was for weeks during lunch. 

Apparently, whenever they asked Ferra, she just gave them vague responses. I explained to them about the test, and that I was using the time to study for it. When a couple of them wondered where, I shrugged and said around, using the library and outside as examples. They dropped it after that, wishing me luck on the test.

Richie, who was sitting beside Ferra, leaned over to check out what she was eating. Eyeing the sandwich, he told her, "Sharing is caring.”

Ferra gave him a sympathetic smile. "A shame that I don't care then, huh?"

He shook his head in mock disappointment and turned back to the girl on the other side of him to continue their conversation. Ferra didn't seem to have any problem with him talking to the other girl. If she had really liked him like she initially though she did, it would have been more upsetting to her. She was the jealous type when she was interested in a guy and would have done something to draw his attention back to her. They did appear to be more comfortable as friends and she obviously no longer held any interest in him otherwise.

Ferra turned her attention back to me and lowered her voice, "So what brings you here? No study session?"

"No," I replied, picking at my salad. "He's busy with something, I guess."

"You sound sad," she smirked.

"No, not really," I brushed it off with a gulp of my water.

"Spill," Ferra demanded, leaning in with her elbows on the table. I would have preferred her referring to my drink rather than the truth.

"A little Black birdie told Mr. Fredrick that I need more time for my test. And it got me thinking..."

"Yes?" She urged.

"We don't have much time left together and I don't know what's going to happen after the test," I muttered and ate a tater tot.

Ferra understood what I was trying to discreetly say. No one had been listening, but better safe than sorry. Not that I particularly cared, but Wes certainly would if people found out about him tutoring me.

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