The Test & The Cursing Teacher

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~ The Test & The Cursing Teacher ~

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After crying into my pillow all night, I was barely coherent enough to get dressed when I woke up two hours earlier than usual. My comfy leggings and one of Ian's hoodies were the first clothes that came to hand. It wasn't until Ferra showed up at my door with a cup of coffee that my zombie phase wore off.

Even with my caffeine-induced energy, I still couldn't fool my teacher. Mr. Fredrick immediately knew something was wrong when I walked into the classroom with puffy eyes. His welcoming grin dropped into a frown at my weak attempt of a smile. After watching me collapse into my seat, he offered to delay the test for a second time.

"No, but thank you," I told him gratefully. His offer only strengthened my determination to complete it. As soon as I could leave the test and Wesley in my past, surely the better I would feel. In theory, anyway. I did my best to put aside my misery and broken heart to focus on the feat before me. "I have to do this now, Mr. Fredrick."

So there I sat, in an empty classroom, awaiting the test I spent weeks preparing for and dreading every day. The palms of my hands were sweaty with anticipation and my stomach was a ball of nerves. Every breath I took, each beat of my racing heart, even swallowing, was amplified in the silence. I drowned it all out by anxiously tapping my sharpened pencil on the desk.

I wasn't aware of Mr. Fredrick getting up and coming over to me. "Are you okay?"

I stopped the rhythmic tapping and looked up at him. He was concerned, but it went beyond the surface, as if he knew about what happened. It was possible he overheard our breakup, or I was reading too much into it and just stupidly reminded myself that Wesley was on the other side of the back wall.

"Just...nervous about the test."

He regarded me with a look of understanding. I wasn't sure if it was because of what I said or because I didn't want to talk about the real problem. "Ms. Winters, you'll do just fine. I have the utmost confidence that you will succeed." He put the stapled pages facedown in front of me. Before going back to his desk, he added cryptically, "I can also assure you that I am not the only one who feels that way."

I felt a bit of hope, despite my conflicting common sense. Wesley would not say anything to Mr. F, because he made it clear that he didn't care about me. The twinkle in my teacher's eyes told me otherwise, but it must have been before yesterday. The hope turned into a painful twinge at the fresh memory.

"Who knows?" Mr. Fredrick interrupted my thoughts. "Perhaps you'll beat Mr. Black's score." He winked at me with a rare smirk.

"I doubt it. He probably got a perfect score." I rolled my eyes, already feeling defeated.

"Actually, no. He didn't," he admitted. "There is a certain confidentiality that I'm to uphold. However," Mr. F paused and sat down. "I'm willing to make an exception."

I shouldn't want to, but the desire to know was way too strong. I nodded, "Please do."

"Mr. Black scored a 94% on this test. It's nothing to be ashamed of, by far. He wasn't too pleased about it at first, but soon realized he was the only one to receive a score even remotely close to one hundred percent."

Wow. The great Wesley Black isn't so perfect after all. There was a new hope for something different, deep, deep down; I could potentially have the satisfaction of beating his score. A wave of confidence washed over me and I squared my shoulders, straightening my posture.

Mr. Fredrick noticed that and smiled, "Are you ready, Ms. Winters?"

This is it. It's up to me. I need to prove to myself that I can do it. Without Wesley. I did all the work and it is not going to be for nothing, I told myself in a mental pep talk. I'm not trying and failing this time.

Sweetly & Scientifically ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora