Whack-A-Nerd & Shakespeare Memories

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~ Whack-A-Nerd & Shakespeare Memories ~

~ ( s ) ( s ) ( s ) ~

Mr. Fredrick greeted me with only a nod. It was the best poker face I had ever seen. He wore no smile and looked me straight in the eye. I couldn't pick up any sign of whether I passed or not. Without speaking a word, he handed me the test results.

I held on to the stack of stapled paper with my handwriting scribbled all over the pages. I didn't check it right away and pressed it against my chest. What if I didn't pass? I wondered in a panic, projecting it by gnawing on my lip and fiddling with the corners of the pages. I met the expectant stares of my teacher and best friend.

The grip I had on the paper rivaled how tightly I squeezed my eyes shut. I blinked a few times to bring everything into focus as I moved the test into my line of sight. Two large red numbers were circled at the top right corner of the first page.

I heard Mr. Fredrick say, "A job very well done, Ms. Winters. You are going to pass chemistry after all."

My gaze lifted to him. It couldn't be real.

"96%?" I breathed.

He grinned widely back at me, appearing as proud as I imagined a father would be at his daughter for acing a big test.

I gasped and then shouted, "96%!"

Too happy to care about propriety, I lunged forward and wrapped my arms around my favorite teacher. He chuckled and returned the hug, patting my back awkwardly. Then I turned to Ferra and hugged her. We squealed, jumping up and down together. Mr. F plugged his ears and jerked his head, motioning for us to take our squealing elsewhere.

~ ( s ) ~

So we took it all the way to my house.

Ferra and I were on my couch, still freaking out about the results. She was dancing in her seat while I sat there, tracing the numbers with my finger. It was officially sinking in and I couldn't stop smiling.

"Hey, Skit?"

When I heard the quiet, hesitant tone of Ferra's voice, the curve of my lips sunk into a frown.

She asked, "Are you going to tell him?"

I put the sheets of paper down on the coffee table, contemplating how to respond. "I don't think so. I want to tell him, but..."

She took my hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

"I guess I'm scared of what he would say to me, if he says anything at all. He doesn't care, Ferra. He doesn't want to see or talk to me. I shouldn't delude myself into thinking any differently." I tried to shrug it off, but she could tell it was hard for me.

"If anyone is deluded, it's definitely him," she said. "I think he could use some sense knocked into him. I would be more than happy to help out."

I smiled, "No, thank you. It's going to be bad enough when Ian finds out."

"Oh, don't worry about him," she said, waving her hand. "I can keep the rabid dog on a leash." 

Unless you guys find out what Wesley really said to me, I thought with a shiver. There would be no saving him from either of them.

I sighed and clasped my hands together. "Enough about me and my tragic romance. I have to ask you something, Fere," I said, curious to find out once and for all. If I couldn’t be happy myself, I wanted to make my best friend happy. "Are you still in like with my brother?"

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